Thứ Ba, 5 tháng 8, 2008

Tour 2: Banjar Jati Taro, Tegalalang

Welcome to an ordinary Balinese village !
A short drive off the beaten track from the bustling tourist centre of Ubud lies the village (Banjar) of Jati Taro. It is a poor village that has had almost no benefit from Bali's tourist trade. Its residents work their rice fields, grow vegetables and spices, sell cheap goods to each other and other villages and practice the traditional ceremonies of Balinese Hinduism in their local temples.

You will be taken into its heart and meet with local families who will talk to you about their lives in the rice fields and kitchens of Jati Taro, about the difficulty of finding the money for their religion's ceremonies and sending their kids to school and about the pleasures of living in one of the most beautiful environments in the world.

However, like most Balinese villages, Jati Taro hides a secret. In this case, it is the family and artworks of one of Bali's most revered masters of art, I Njoman Tjokot. One of his sons, I Wayan Sawat, still lives in the village and makes artworks in the style of his father's. I Wayan Sawat's works, like his father's, are in private and institutional collections throughout the world. He is very old yet is still pleased to meet visitors interested in his life and works.

The tour includes a visit to Puri Lukisan, the first fine art museum in Ubud. Founded by Ubud's royal family, it contains a representative collection of the history of Balinese modern art and one work by I Njoman Tjokot.


Our prices include pick up/drop off from your hotel anywhere in Bali, your guide's travel time and expenses, donations to the village and families visited, food and drink and administration costs. Administration costs include staff time taking books and arranging tours and promotion costs. Any surplus is used for Interkultur Foundation's other projects. If you would like to know more about Interkultur Foundation, please email us or ask your guide. We can also provide advice about ways of helping the people you visit should you wish to do so.

Tour 1: Goa Gajah

The village (Banjar) Goa Gadjah (Elephant Cave) is close to the tourist centre of UBUD, but is ignored by tourists. You will be taken into the heart of the village and into a family compound to meet these ordinary Balinese going about their ordinary lives. You will be able to chat with them about how they live their lives, raise their kids and about the changes to Bali over the years since it became a world-renowned tourist destination.

You will also be introduced to an extraordinary artwork: the 400-year-old Smar Pegulingan (Love Goddess Gamelan) and Tari Legong Kraton (Legong Palace Dance). This instrument and dances is well travelled, having appeared at music and dance international festival venues in Japan, the Netherlands, Germany, France. It is the subject of many learned articles. Nowadays it is too old to get on a plane and its guardians do not show it to average tourists. Your guide's long relationship with the gamelan's guardians gives you exclusive access.

You will also visit Puri Lukisan, Ubud's first art museum and home to a celebrated collection of Balinese modern art. Your guide will explain the history of the museum and its connection to Goa Gadjah.


Our prices include pick up/drop off from your hotel anywhere in Bali, your guide's travel time and expenses, donations to the village and families visited, food and drink and administration costs. Administration costs include staff time taking books and arranging tours and promotion costs. Any surplus is used for Interkultur Foundation's other projects. If you would like to know more about Interkultur Foundation, please email us or ask your guide. We can also provide advice about ways of helping the people you visit should you wish to do so.

Bali Tours

BALI BIASA (Ordinary Bali)

You can choose from three of our special tours into the heart of ordinary villages in Bali and see a side of Bali that is rarely shown to foreigners. Near the thriving tourist centre of Ubud, two outlying villages are home to ordinary Balinese (and some extraordinary ones) and also rare artworks few foreigners (or Indonesians) ever see. You will meet families and highly achieved artists and artworks and learn about the daily lives of ordinary Balinese away from the noise and hard sell of the tourist centres.

  • Tour 1 (half day) is to Banjar Goa Gadjah, UBUD
  • Tour 2 (half day) is to Banjar Jati Taro, TEGALLALANG
  • Tour 3 (full day) is to Banjar Goa Gadjah and Banjar Jati Taro

All tours also pay a visit to Puri Lukisan in Ubud, which is the centre of historic Balinese art. The museum was founded by Ubud's royal family and contains an important work that features in the story of Banjar Jati Taro.


Our prices include pick up/drop off from your hotel anywhere in Bali, your guide's travel time and expenses, donations to the village and families visited, food and drink and administration costs. Administration costs include staff time taking books and arranging tours and promotion costs. Any surplus is used for Interkultur Foundation's other projects. If you would like to know more about Interkultur Foundation, please email us or ask your guide. We can also provide advice about ways of helping the people you visit should you wish to do so.
(Minimum 4 people, Maximum 10 people).

Price: (negotiable)

Dance & Music (click here)


For reservation/booking :


(+62) 0 8 1 2 8 0 3 5 2 9 7
sms - text please
 please send short text message, as if in a busy working and on the tour very hard to directly receive calls





Thứ Sáu, 1 tháng 8, 2008


TOURS fee-donation: 
# Social Humanity Tour  USD 50  per person

Any surpluses are used for projects of Interkultur Foundation, we make 3 basic help the people: we brought if they sick to the doctor, we run an informal school for the kids, and microfinance scheme for parents. Please ask your guide if you want to know more about and other ways of getting involved with the people you meet.

All Tours: Minimum 2 participants maximum 15 participants. More than 15 participants will be separate with another group. Big GROUP  should be in special arrangement
Donations include public transport, guide and administration. Language spoken is broken but intelligible English and fluent Indonesian.  Tour start times are 12noon.  Tour takes 3 to 4  hours each. We will meet you at the meeting-point that easy to find. Any taxi travel you require will be at extra cost. You should allow time for delays getting to and from your residence and the tour location owing to Jakarta’s traffic. Itineraries may change without notice because of local conditions. Conditions are likely to be hot and humid and pavements uneven. You may find conditions in the communities are less pleasant and comfortable than what is usual for you.

Photography & Videography should be very respectfully

it is our policy to donate our staff and consultants fairly and not exploit them. We donate our guides, the commmunity organisations and people you visit in recognition of their situation and their local expertise without which the tours would not be possible. Administration include staff time taking bookings and arranging tours as well as advertising expenditure.





Parlin Tampubolon


Anneke Rompas, like Ronny, has lived in Jakarta most of her life. She knows its streets and its hidden secrets, and can give you a woman's perspective on life in the area you visit.



Largus Tamur,


Ronny Poluan, initiator of Interkultur and this tour, has lived in Jakarta for 45 years and Bali 7 years, will interpret your chats with residents. He can also tailor tours to suit your interests.

Please see our

Hidden Jakarta Tour
Jakarta Kampung Tours
is a project of



let us know your complete name for credit acknowledment

Tour # 2: Social Humanity Tour

Welcome to Jakarta
With great pride we would like to invite you in this tour to find that  far more extensive than 
 what you ever imagined about
J a k a r t a

a side of 
you would not see

This is  Jakarta

Hotel or Residences


we will start from the Old City 
(Kota Tua)
Plaza Batavia
(known as Taman Fatahillah)
Meeting Point

This Is A Flexible Day tour we will treat you as an ordinary of Jakarta City life not as a tourist who busy with booktravel or tourist map.  We will go by public transportation
 to deal with: Mikrolet, Bajaj [TukTuk  &amp]; Becak (3Wheel Pedicab) and Ojek (motortaxi and/or taxibike)

Here's the itenerary for the Tour:
Meeting-point at  Plaza Batavia in the old city Kota Tua known as Taman Fatahillah
You can have Lunch or only drink
We will discuss about Jakarta - Indonesia:  History, Social Culture, Art, Politic:
a  challenge of perspective 
then to the
Street vendors,  the 4 generation draw-bridge
Kampong Lorong
Jembatan Berok
and by

Kampong  Pelbak
Kampong Pikal
and by Becak to the
Kampong Village
: This was our main destination, where we manage 3 activities: 
emergency, education, empowerment, for the poor
in this village we can mingle, discussion, exchange of ideas about everyday life 
with village residents, and we can provide assistance


we will use local transport
unless you prefer





Old City

KOTA is the oldest part of Jakarta, on the coast of the Java Sea. It is home to the Batavia, Jakarta Historical, Fine art, Wayang and Maritime museums, in varying states of decay, that you will visit before heading into Luar Batang village.

Old buildings


Drink or Lunch    

Indonesian Food in the Indonesian Restaurant


we will see Kali Besar - The Great River

Kota Intan

drawbridge, 1972

the early


to the
Fish Market



then by
B E C A K 

By Becak we will  visit 
Its watery lanes are home to thousands we will meet residents



This is your best chance to see the Real Jakarta !

Then we'll head for the village, the residence of the citizens and we will talk about sanitation, food, kids, weather and floods, all the problems of everyday life

We hope that you too can share your life experience


this is an intercultural travel initiative
which attempt directly involved in touching and hollow cavities of life
between the participants and people visited
on the situation and conditions in Indonesia, represented by the Jakarta
a cross-cultural melting pot megapolit, an interkultur

which is very concerned
who need care and a new awareness



This journey is a story among the participants also between visitors and the visited 

a typical reality very personal happened at a meeting between the private intercultural meeting


Say goodbye and




m e m o r i e s


You will be able to meet a local family in their home and discuss 
the daily life, and 
how people make ends meet with the water lapping 
at their feet.

the Family


participants in a Group  at the village

*] note: all photos taken by ronny poluan on the tours location, exept a photo by gateway college

Music & Song (click here)

our aim is to help the people, especially the kids


4 kids watching you

see you later


Back to the Hostel / Hotel




ronny poluan
photo by
bart van bambost
feb 2010

Please see our

Jakarta city seen through the eyes of the famous Brazilian photographer Sebastiao Salgado, 1996

Early Batavia



Then by


Martona & Participant

 Mak Nur by Martin Wissekerke

Fion by Panos

We remember all our tour participants
and it seems no other in this world as our tour:
we record every tour participant in our Journal at
The end of this tour is, we know each other, and also we know those we visit the families and children, you will get knowledge and direct experienceAnd we make a journal with the date of your presence, then how will we proceed with our relationship with the residents that we visit.

This is an ongoing tour, because we will always be in touch as friends and family
by email


here are our 3 [three]  activities where we need volunteers:
Emergency, Education, and Empowerment

wish you all the best,


We'll take you to the region above also
the Central Business District of


but the main goal of this tour is  we'll take you on a journey of

Orangkota Orangkampung  
Batavia Jakarta 


Meal, Playing and Discussion

The tour is then developed, not just visit the villagers, then finished, but we also initiated a meeting of residents to the settlement of visitors.

Students College from Norway  is an excellent example.  

After Norway College students visited the residents, came our turn to invite the citizens especially the children visiting the hotel.  
At first we made this, the hotel owners objected because noisy children.  
So we brought them at the Jakarta Art Center.

after that
back home, residence, hotel
or airport

Our aim and our hope in our meeting you will be part of our family together, where we can know each other and keep in touch, and in an unforgettable experience of your lifetime.

Once you leave our Jakarta
we do hope you get a broad and deep understanding of the residents in the village
also of course the city that never sleep:


Dear Pak Ronny and Ibu Anneke,
Terima kasih banyak untuk tour Anda ke kampung Luar Batang, Mesjid Istiqlal, Kota Tua dan Sunda Kelapa. We both enjoyed it very much. This was my (Bo’s) second tour, but first time for both of us to northern Jakarta.
As Australians, we believe it is important for us to have a good understanding of the people, culture and circumstances of one of our nearest neighbours, Indonesia. The Hidden Jakarta Tours help to directly introduce Australians (and other foreigners) to Indonesian people. With tour guides acting as translators, tour participants can interact with the community, ask questions and gain an insight into the lives of a large proportion of the population of Indonesia – those who live in ‘kampungs’, in environments vastly different to what many in the developed world would be familiar with.
Through this interaction, stepping inside the alleyways and homes of kampung residents and through further discussions with Pak Ronny, Ibu Anneke and their team, tour participants can gain an understanding of the sorts of issues impacting these people’s lives; for example, adequate housing, education for children and health care for the community.
We would highly recommend the Hidden Jakarta Tour as an activity to do while visiting Indonesia’s capital – you will learn a lot :)

Sampai jumpa lagi !
Bo and Bron Raphael.


 M A P





Ronny Poluan
initiator, founder, and
your tour guide of
'Hidden Jakarta Tour'

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