Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 3, 2010

Bunaken, North Sulawesi

Bunaken is an island of 8.08 km² at Manado Bay, situated in the north of Sulawesi Island, Indonesia. This Island is part of Manado city, the capital city of North Sulawesi, Indonesia. The Sea Park in Bunaken Island is as part of National Park of Old Manado Ocean.

In this Bunaken Sea Park, visitors can see various marine lives at the bottom of Bunaken Sea. To reach this park, you can go by sea transportation like motor boat. Visitors are charged 25,000 rupiahs per person for one visit. The trip to Bunaken Sea Park Location from Manado City takes 40 minutes by motor boat.

Bunaken Island is easily reached from Manado by motorized outrigger boat, departing from Manado harbor, Molas, Kalasey and Tasik Ria beaches. The public boats from Manado to Bunaken are leaving daily around 2 p.m (depending on tide), except Sundays, from Pasar Jengki near Manado harbor. Back from Bunaken to Manado usually early in the morning, around 7-8 a.m

There are also chartered boats scheduled to depart in the morning and return in the late afternoon. These are usually reserved for travel packages offered by agents or even hotels.

Most diving takes place near Bunaken and Manado Tua, because of their many excellent sites. The following is the diving area:
  • Lekuan Walls (I, II, III)
  • Mandolin
  • Bunaken Timor
  • Tanjung Kopi
  • Siladen Island
  • Muka Gereja
  • Barracuda Point
  • Manado Wreck
Other than diving-enthusiasts, ornithologists and amateur bird-watchers might find visiting Tangkoko Dua Sudara Nature Reserve entertaining. here is the map of Bunaken and the diving spots.

(R) This blog contains various information about tourist destinations in Indonesia, from the very low-cost to expensive. hotel information, lodging, transportation, and accommodation support can also be found here.

Raja Ampat, West Papua

Raja Ampat is located in the western province of Papua on the island of Irian Jaya Barat, exactly at the head of birds of Papua. This archipelago is a destination of divers who are interested in the beauty of underwater scenery. Four of the group of islands are: Waigeo, Misool, Salawati, and Batanta Island.

Raja Ampat is a place of great potential to serve as objects of tourism, especially diving tourism. Raja Ampat Islands waters according to various sources, is one of the 10 best waters for diving sites around the world. In fact, it may also be recognized as number one for the completeness of flora and fauna under the water at this time.

Unique species that can be found at the time of diving are some of the pigmy seahorse species or mini kudalaut, wobbegong and manta ray. There is also a fish endemic to the Raja Ampat, namely Eviota king, the kind of Gobbie fish.

The only inter-island transportation and supporting community activities at Raja Ampat is a sea transportation. Similarly, to reach Waisai, the district capital. When using an airplane, first to the city of Sorong. After that, the trip to Sorong Waisai followed by sea transport. Facilities available are quick ship with 10, 15, or 30 persons capacity. With a cost of about USD 2 million, Waisai be reached within 1.5 to two hours ...

(R) This blog contains various information about tourist destinations in Indonesia, from the very low-cost to expensive. hotel information, lodging, transportation, and accommodation support can also be found here.

Chủ Nhật, 28 tháng 3, 2010

Karapan Sapi [Bull Race]

Karapan is a traditional cow racing from Madura, East Java. Most people Madura assume that karapan not just an annual traditional party. But for them, karapan is a symbol of prestige that can raise the dignity of the people of Madura, because the cows are used to match the games has very good quality and special.

In celebration of this karapan, the owners pride at stake. If they win the game, in addition to prize money from the organizers, they also get money from betting they do. If they lose this game, the owner will fell out of much money, because the treatment before the game was very expensive. Usually they hired a shaman to help keep the cows safe from attacks their enemies shaman.

Karapan celebration is held once a year, but to get to the finals, participants must meet the first few stages. There are two kinds of celebrations karapan dimadura cow, the first is the President Cup and the Regent Cup. Regent cup is usually held twice a year, the winners of this cup regents will continue the game normally to the President of the cup. The event was held in the city of Bangkalan and celebrations between September or October.

In the event karapan, the audience not only intertained with race and agility of the jockey, but before the race starts, they will be intertained by the ritual procession held by the cows owner around the the race track. Accompanied by Soronen, traditional musical instruments of Madura, making this event more festive .

The length of the route path karapan between is 180 to 200 meters, which can be completed within 14 sd 18 seconds. The speed of these cows, but because of shrewdness jockey, sometimes makes the bamboo used to tread the jockey flying in the air because these cows running speed.

Karapan dimadura is a very unique performances, but has inherited a tradition to the next is also waking up to now. This event was used as a tourism event in Indonesia, and not only local tourists, foreign tourists were many who witnessed this karapan.

(R) This blog contains various information about tourist destinations in Indonesia, from the very low-cost to expensive. hotel information, lodging, transportation, and accommodation support can also be found here.

Thứ Sáu, 26 tháng 3, 2010

Ramayana Ballet at Prambanan Temple

The Ramayana Ballet is basically a dramatic performance that beautifully tells the story of Ramayana and mainly about Rama who was legendary Hindu king or can also be said as incarnation of god. The dramatic performances tell the story of Rama’s courage.

This popular dramatic performance is organized in Prambanan, which is one of the largest compounds of Hindu temple in entire Indonesia. This temple is situated in central java, which is around 18 kilometer to the east of Yogyakarta. Ramayana Ballet in Prambanan Temple is usually organized on full moon days for its visitors.

Ramayana Ballet in Prambanan Temple is organized on various dates during a period of about six-month. In this popular Ramayana Ballet many reputed dancers. They perform their dances to the audiences in the most traditional clothes. The performances are organized in outdoor setting within the Prambanan temple complex of Indonesia.

Ramayana ballet is one of the best examples of story telling in Indonesia. The Ramayana Ballet in Prambanan Temple differs from the original Indian epic and it beautifully reflects the adaptation to Javanese sensitivities over the years. The Ramayana ballet uses performing arts for story telling. The Ramayana Ballet is a beautiful combination of art, drama and dance. The artists perform rigorous training to perform best during the course of the event. The Ramayana Ballet performed in Prambanan Temple is basically a folklore version of the Rama .in this drama different cycle of the life of Rama is shown beautifully.

Almost 100 dancers take part in these shows with full enthusiasm. The ballet consists of numerous group scenes and also slow moving dance. Gamelan orchestra is also played to make the show even more entertaining. Moreover, on the course of the event sometimes fire scenes are also performed .the Ramayana ballet usually ends up with Rama and his followers wining back Sita from the clutches of Ravana, King of Lanka.

The Ramayana ballet generally comprises of four episodes. During each night one episode is presented before its visitors public .this shows takes place from 07.30 to 09.30 p.m. The full of Ramayana is organized at popular Trimurti Theater on every Tuesday, Wednesday and on Thursday.
The Ramayana Ballet in Prambanan Temple is one best ballet in Indonesia.

Ramayana Ballet Performances Schedule 

(R) This blog contains various information about tourist destinations in Indonesia, from the very low-cost to expensive. hotel information, lodging, transportation, and accommodation support can also be found here.

Asu Island, Nias

Asu Island has many beaches with crystal clear sea water and soft white sand. As far as the eye could see, looks blue sky meets the blue sea on a flat line limit. Coconut palm trees waving in the wind chime to the rhythm of the waves, making the atmosphere was peaceful and calm.

On this beach you can sunbathe, swim, dive, or just play it. As for you who like to surf, this beach is a great place for you. The waves here can reach 3-4 meters, so very good for surfing. But you also have to be careful, because in some places the beach has rocks sharp.

Asu Island. This remote island, including the Hinako Islands and is one of Indonesia's outer islands. Extensive island approximately 18 km2, with residents still around 30 heads of families.

The situation is calm, comfortable, and friendly local residents, will make you feel at home for long stay on the island of Asu. On this island you can perform a variety of activities, from sunbathing on the beach, swimming, tracking around the island, fishing, to surfing.

Although the location is very remote island of Asu and far from the luxurious facilities, this does not reduce the interest of tourists to visit. It was seen from the interest of tourists who come there. They do not just come from Indonesia, many of whom are foreign tourists.

A walk around the island of Asu on foot following the coastline. Along the way you're likely to find a leaf earrings-earrings (scaveola tacada), local residents call it leaf-Rafe Rafe. This leaves including hard to find in other places and function as anti-diabetes drug. or sitting on the edge of the beach while enjoying the sunset, when the sun is located in the western horizon is slowly sinking into the seabed.

Fishing, this place provides a boat can be rented. Fishing at night will provide its own charm and experience. Sky without a cloud and decorated with stars will be the most amazing scenery. plankton that glow around the ship to make a magical and serene atmosphere.

Administratively Asu Island is in the Sub Sirombu, Nias regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia.

To reach the island of Asu, you can use a plane from Medan Polonia Airport to Airport Binaka, Gunung Sitoli, Nias District. From Mount Sitoli you move on to Sirombu, this journey takes 1-2 hours. From Sirombu there are two choices to get to the island of Asu. You can ride or use a regular boat speed boat.

Although the remote location, Asu Island has some complex features a simple cottage. Each complex consists of 5-6 units of houses on stilts., Shops or restaurants that provide food for the tourists. hire boats for fishing in the sea. or staying diKecamatan Sirombu more comfortable. [source: fotowisata.wp]

(R) This blog contains various information about tourist destinations in Indonesia, from the very low-cost to expensive. hotel information, lodging, transportation, and accommodation support can also be found here.

Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 3, 2010

2010 March - April


Morten at Galur



we founded
Dahlia informal school
since January 2010


with Bobby, VIDA coordinator


Tour Shamsudin Family,

Luar Batang
North Jakarta



Tour Phillip, Ingrid

what's your name, sir ?
where are you come from?

at the chinatown

at the
Old City
Square park

cafe batavia

sunda kelapa
old traditional

at the village

back home at late afternoon



6 days tour of 47 participants from
Norway (46), Australia (5), UK (1), Indonesia (1), Belgium (1), Spain (1)


we work with a small team
we are non-profit tour


Interkultur bye-laws:
notary public revised,

purpose goal to be:
social, cultural, humanity, art science, media, and
environment & technology

bank account

Yayasan Interkultur
Bank Mandiri
swift code

we do hope you can support us

Tour Ophelie

(photo still prepare)

a first time new route:
from the Menteng area by "ojek" (motorcycle taxis), to Kalibaru area, replace it with an old Vespa, through BKT - a flood channel east to Pondok Kelapa, then by road to the
Bekasi Kalimalang Kejuangan roads


Pravda Photography

Tour Sean O'Grady

Tour Paul & Karen

Brandon & Alexis

at the golden triangle area
jw marriot, oakwood

TIM - Jakarta Art Center

IKJ - Jakarta Art Institute




Tour Alejandro
Tour Alex

pembukaan rekening resmi
yayasan interkultur
bank mandiri
Anneke & Natasha


Pembagian beras dan supermie
distribution of rice and supermie to 150 family extreme poor residents

tour yang batal
tour canceled

Tour DD, Warren, Denise
(photo still arrange)

sumbangan untuk musholah

rombongan mami

Tour Alex, Stephen


Gateway College 3rd time this time to participate with 49 participants: 2 tremendous location with the "Kota - Luar Batang" (Tour 1) & "Galur " (Tour 2)
[photo and a note is being prepared]



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