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Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 11, 2013
Tips on Choosing a Hotel in Bandung for Travel Purposes
Maybe you're a little confused determine hotels in Bandung for your travel vacation . London is a city worth visiting . Flower City still retains its natural beauty . Since the 1990s , the development of creative business is growing rapidly from this city , ranging from culinary ( snacks , ice cream , food weight ) , fashion design or apparel , accessories , various trends jacket teenage slang , to the music . All that can be satisfied with your visit , but one day is not enough , you need to stay at the hotel . Well , to save costs , you better get a promo hotels in London , that the purpose of your stay did not spend a lot of money . There are quite a lot of cheap hotels in London if you can carefully choose . Some luxury hotels are also there . Choose according to your travel destination , and save for the cost of accommodation because most likely you will be wasteful in the way. The city has several popular tourist attractions that you should not miss when you traveled there . Popular tourist attractions include:
Parks Maribaya
Factory outlets in Jl.RE Martadinata Sukajadi , Setiabudi , Kawung Gardens , etc.
Hot Cimanggu
Strawberry Gardens Ciwidey
hotel bandung
Well , you need to consider the needs of hotels in London that suit your travel needs , whether you traveled with inline package and free visit . You may also be interested to enjoy a Dutch-style hotel , unique and distinctive . In London , you will find several hotels with typical colonial buildings and interiors . That's right , this hotel is a hotel that was built by the Dutch colonial era in the beginning . However , whatever it is your judgment about the attractiveness of the hotel , consider the following tips : Tips on choosing hotel in Bandung for tours
4 star hotels in Bandung
Note the path you want to travel through, make sure there are how many sights you want to visit
Determine the closest hotel to most of the tourist attractions you plan to visit
Determine your budget for all the tourist spots , so you can determine the budget for
Answer the following questions : whether you need a fully luxury hotels when you travel in London ? some people deliberately want to spend most of the day to relax and indulge in the hotel with so many great facilities , while some people are better set to maximize funds to the tourist spots and decide ordinary hotel , just enough for a night's rest . Decide where you are .
Better not choose the hotel in the bustling city center . This consideration is due to the hotel in the bustling city center would be less suitable for those who need a break and relax in the tranquility of the hotel . Choose an alternative hotel in the area , meaning the area is still quite city but not as busy as downtown
You may be interested in these hotels near Trans Studio Bandung , because Trans Studio exciting area for juvenile streets . This area is very dynamic , and the modern hustle like today's youth . Of course this crowded area , there are some exciting places to visit. But like the above tips , you better stay and rest in a quieter location , yet you can still walk around in the Trans Studio . And to save on accommodation costs , you can get a promo cheap hotels in Bandung
Thứ Ba, 26 tháng 11, 2013
Rent a speedboat in Raja Ampat ,Indonesia
Travelling in Raja Ampat , West Papua Province , should be set aside no less. Especially if you want to dive to enjoy the underwater beauty of this area .
Because to use speadboat capacity of 20 people , rent a day to Rp 20 million . That does not include the cost of the dive . Because they have to rent scuba gear if you want to dive .
" The cost of sea transport in Raja Ampat was expensive . Due fuel too expensive , " said Saka ( 40 ) , Saturday ( 23/11/2013 ) .
Saka is an employee of Culture and Tourism of Raja Ampat . He was once the captain who drove the group speadboat Family Trip Garuda Indonesia to visit a number of islands that are often visited by tourists in Raja Ampat , morning to afternoon .
Family Trip Garuda entourage consists of GIA Eastern Area Vice President Of Indonesia , Rosyinah Manaf . Others are a travel entrepreneurs and journalists from several major cities in Indonesia, namely Jakarta , Bandung , Surabaya , Denpasar , and Makassar
According to Saka , for a day trip dikemudinya speadboat which must be provided five drums of gasoline . The price of a drum of petrol in Raja Ampat at $ 2.5 million .
"So if five drums , the price is USD 12.5 million . Yet again pay crew wages . So the price of USD 20 million , it is reasonable here , " said STM graduates this Sorong .
He added , capital investment dikemudinya speadboat which was not cheap . Speadboat capacity of 20 people purchased for over $ 1 billion.
" This is an artificial Marathon Speadboat produced in Tangerang , " said the man born in Biak .
List of Tourist Places in Makassar South Sulawesi, Indonesia
List of Tourist Places in Makassar - Makassar including from one of the largest cities in Indonesia in terms of aspects of development . Demographically Makassar visited by various ethnic groups who have settled in the city . The majority of the population is ethnic Makassar Makassar , Bugis , Toraja , Buton , Mandar , Javanese , and Chinese . Culinary Makassar are already very well known and has been a regular in the encounter is Coto Makassar , Ijo Banana Bread Maros , jalangkote , Cake Tori , palubutung , brothers and Sop Sop Konro . I most like to eat Coto Makassar + Es Pisang Ijo , it felt really bad and can make me want to eat it again tomorrow .
Widely from Makassar approximately 175.77 square miles with a population of about 1.4 million jumplah soul . Makassar is also famous for its traditional freight tricycles . With the popularity of jumplah which reached 1,500 units . Local authorities imposed a rickshaw as a means of supporting tourism and special indeed operating around tourist areas . Rates rickshaw ride depending on your agreement with the paddle , so you can negotiate first before punting lead you to go around by rickshaw .
Makassar has a wide range of tourist attractions that can be visited to spend vacation time , be it public or Makassar for tourists who come from other cities and overseas . Makassar attractions are the most popular :
List of Tourist Places in Makassar South Sulawesi, Indonesia
- Losari
- Fort Rotterdam
- Beach Akarena
- Laelae Island
- Khayangan Island
- Samalona Island
- fortress Sombaopu
- Beach Barombong
- Tomb Kings Tallo
- Sjekh Tomb of Joseph ( Gowa )
- Ports Paotere
- Heroes Cemetery
- Trans Studio ( Indoor Theme Park, the largest in the world )
- Bantimurung , ( Maros )
- Malino , ( Gowa )
- Delta tourism village Lakkang
Makassar is also often called by the name of city or town agin Mammiri Daeng has berfariasi Nature tourism potential , ranging from coastal tourism , mountain tourism , cultural tourism . Here is yoshiewafa will provide a list of attractions in Makassar fuller longer :
Gowa district attractions :
- Plateau region Malino
- Malino Waterfall
- Bili - Bili Dam area
Attractions in Bulukumba :
- Tanjung Bira Beach : This beach has white sand crystal clear and smooth like flour . The island is located in the district. Maritime Bonto about 46 Km from the city if Bulukumba .
- Tana Beru Place of Manufacture
- Boat Phinisi : Located in the coastline village of Tana Beru is located about 25 Km from the city if Bulukumba . Tana Beru has been known as a place for the manufacture of traditional boat or a ship Phinisi .
- Indigenous Regions Ammatoa : preservation of natural beauty in the form of forest area is typical of a region 's customs and culture of the society that will live far from a modern life . The place is located in the village of Tana Toa excl . Kajang a distance of approximately 56 km from the city if you Bulukumba , to have facilities including reception area .
Attractions in Maros :
- Bantimurung Waterfall : This area is located at the Valley Hill Limestone Karst very steep or by having lush tropical vegetation , in addition to having a very spectacular waterfalls also become a habitat that is so ideal for a wide range of species and butterflies , here too there a cave whose name cave and dream to have stalaktif stalaktimitnya truly amazing so if you're in the cave will feel like in a dream .
- Salukang Reef : the largest is a cave which has a length of approximately 12 km unfortunately not all travelers will be allowed to enter the cave . This place is also called by the name Leang - Leang Prehistoric Park and its location is in a row of limestone hills that are so steep .
- Caves Pattunuang : This attraction will have a wealth of stalaktif and stalagmite which is amazing and also the scenery around it is very pretty and beautiful .
- Leang Panninge : is a cave that has stalaktif and stalagmites can also provide a special comfort because this cave has a diameter that is roomy .
- Nature Reserve Karaenta : Other attractions are also located in the village of Karaenta Samangki Nature Reserve which is also an area of protected forest . One of the attractions of this area is because it has a cave with a length of approximately 2,200 meters and is an ideal natural habitat for the monkeys Macaca Maura types that have been classified as rare .
List of attractions in the District Pangkajene Islands :
- Kapoposan Island : This island is one of a spermode archipelago , this island has a coral reef that is very dense and beautiful . To be able to enjoy the natural scenery of the underwater diving you can do . The island is located in the Village District of Luikang Tupabiring Mattiroujung .
- Karst : It is an area which is located along the way to the district . Maros and Peng Kep . Shaped karst limestone mountain with a wide variety of shapes and models .
- Waterboom : Metro area is located more or less is approximately 4 km from the city if you Pangkep . It is located directly beneath the foothills of the karst Mattampa .
Attractions in Pare - pare :
- Beach Lumpue
- Attractions: Cave Tompangnge also commonly called by the name of the bat cave
- Water Boom Pare Pare
- Houses wells
- Forest Area Jompie
- Attractions in Barru :
- Mallusetasi Marine Park : Its location in the Village of New Bojo .
- Beach Labuangnge : Its location in the Village of New Bojo .
- Beach Lapakak : Its location in the Village of New Bojo .
- Wae Niagara Saie : Its location in the Village Lompo Riaja .
- Hot Kalompie : Its location in the Village District of Barru galung .
Attraction Luwu :
- Lalombo Beach : is a tourist attraction located in Luwu . This beach is located about 3 km from the center if you Palopo , this tourist area has beautiful white sand and dazzling special attraction . In this area there are also many beach sports facilities as well as beach volleyball courts , an area for fishing and diving .
- Pute Bone Beach : The location in District Larompong .
- Liang cave Andulan : Its location in the Village District of Lamasi Siteba .
- Nature Latuppa : Its location in the District of Wara .
Attractions in Pinrang :
- Kamarrang Island : Its location in the Village Edge Labuang .
- Kappe Beach : Its location in the village of Data , District Duampanua .
- Wae Beach Tuwo : Its location in the village of Wae Tuwo .
- Waterfalls Karawa : Its location in the Village Betteng .
- Waterfalls Kalijodoh : Its location in the Village Betteng .
- Thermal Baths Sulili : Its location in the Village Maminasse .
- Thermal Baths Lemosusu : Its location in the Village Maminasse .
Attractions in Soppeng :
- Panorama Nature Bats : Ever Since bats bird was already inhabited Watansoppeng Center and more unique if they just want to sit back and hanging on trees located at the heart of the city .
- Citta Coddang cave : This cave is located at the village of Citta District of Liliraja a distance of around 36 km towards east of City Watansoppeng . Is a manifestation of one of the natural phenomena that formed in limestone karst areas around millions of years ago .
- Natural Baths Lejja : Its location in the district Fur village . Marioriawa a distance of about 45 Km from the city if you Watansoppeng .
- Natural Baths Ompo : A tourist spot located in the Village baths Ompo district. Labata which is about 4 km towards north from the City if Watansoppeng .
Attractions in Sinjai :
- Burungloe Island
- Liang Island burrow
- Kambuno Island
- Kodingare Island
- Batanglampe Island
- Katingdoang Island
- Katanalo Island 1
- Katanalo2 Island
- Larearea Island .
Attractions in Enrekang :
- Buttu Kabobong ( Bambapuang ) located at the Bambapuang excl . Anggeraja within less than about 17 km from the city Enrekang .
Attractions in Bone regency :
- Cape Coast Palette : Palette location in the village of the district. Tanete Riattang a distance of approximately 33 Km heading to the south of City of Bone .
- Caves Capable : The location is in the village of Labbeng .
- Caves Cempalagi : Its location in the village of Mallari .
- Ancue beach .
Attractions in the District TanaToraja :
- Ke'te Kesu : The location is about 5 km from the neighbors if you Rantepao . This is very fascinating tourist attraction and is located in the village in the form of tongkonan , rice barns and buildings in the surrounding megaliths . Settlement area is also famous for the art of carving and also is an interesting place for you who want to shop for souvenirs .
- Londa : It is a steep cliff , on the cliffs there are many corpses pits ( pits ) .
- Pallawa : The location is approximately 12 km to the north of Rantepao , Tongkonan or a Traditional House Pallawa is one tongkonan also interesting , and it is located between the bamboo trees that are at the top of the hill .
- Stone Tumonga : is a beautiful mountainous area and are located about 1300 m above sea level . The region you can find more or less yes about 56 stone menhirs that are within 1 circle with about 4 trees in the middle , most of the menhir stone elevations between 2-3 m .
- Lemo : At the cemetery Lemo you could see the beautiful expanse of paddy fields and a cliff graves ( pits ) with a grave form as simple as a small house that is permanent or Patane .
- Boric : This place is a feast for the nobles field existing in Tana Toraja and in the middle of the field there are a lot of various stone menhir height approximately 3-7 m and a large circle of about 2-5 m or less .
Attractions in Takalar :
- Sanrobengi Island .
- Lihukan Island : Lokasnya Bira Beach is located in the region .
- Selayar Island : Lokasnya located in the southeast of mainland South Sulawesi peninsula .
- Bontobangun fort .
Attractions in Jeneponto :
- Hope Island : Lokasnya located in the village in the direction of west Mallasoro Jeneponto .
- Boro Waterfall : Lokasnya Kelara located in the District ,
- Kassi Birtaria Beach : Lokasnya Tamalatea located in the District .
Attractions in the District Bull :
- Marina Korong Stone : One of this beach resort is located in the village of Baruga Lokasnya excl . Pa'jukukang which is about 19 Km from the city if you Bantaeng .
- Waterfalls Bissapu : If you want to travel to get to this waterfall would be nice if done at the time of the morning , In this way all the air you can feel the cool air and beautiful natural landscape with green trees located on the right side of the road .
- Forest Tourism Mount Loka : Lokasnya are in Bonto Marranu , District Uluere .
- Tope Beach Java : Lokasnya Topejawa in the village .
- Tanakeke beach .
Now that's a tourist spot located in Makassar on Sulawesi island . yoshiewafa dedicate to become informed and recreation facilities for your holiday with family or someone close to you .
Reference : id.wikipedia.org , www.regionalinvestment.bkpm.go.id
Whispering Sand and Savana Teletubbies in Bromo Indonesia
One of the interesting places in the region of Mount Bromo is the Teletubbies and Savana pull thing is whispering sand . Why Savana called Teletubbies ? or too often as the Teletubbies hill , and why are they called Whispering Sands ? There are several stories and history of each name , and this time yoshiewafa want to review about it for you who are looking for interesting information on Bromo and you are interested to travel towards Mount Bromo .
Whispering Sands , this name relates to a movie that was made by a famous director named national origin Indonesian Garin Nugroho . Although I do not know for sure why this place is called Sand whisper , but some say that this place was once used as a shooting location of a film title sand whispered . Since then the sea of sand contained in the Bromo tourist area known as the whispering sand designation . Or indeed as the roar of the wind which had brought the grains of sand here like a whisper - biskan which calls the natural beauty .
Desert Mount Bromo
Savana Padang / Bukit Teletubbies , merupakaan a savanna around which there is a row of hills , called Teletubbies hill because Savana is similar to that found in the hills Teletubbies movie , although that does not mean the film Teletubbies shootingnya also here . A sight so perfect , I admit it has the beauty of Mount Bromo is a very complete natural charm once , starting from beautiful views of the sunrise ( sunrise ) , a row of majestic crater of Mount Bromo , a sea of desert and grass are also contained in this savanna .
Bromo Savana Padang / Bukit Teletubbies
Kinds of natural beauty you can find around Mount Bromo , interested to travel to Mt Bromo ? I recommend to use the Bromo tour package .
Whispering Sands , this name relates to a movie that was made by a famous director named national origin Indonesian Garin Nugroho . Although I do not know for sure why this place is called Sand whisper , but some say that this place was once used as a shooting location of a film title sand whispered . Since then the sea of sand contained in the Bromo tourist area known as the whispering sand designation . Or indeed as the roar of the wind which had brought the grains of sand here like a whisper - biskan which calls the natural beauty .
Desert Mount Bromo
Bromo Savana Padang / Bukit Teletubbies
Kinds of natural beauty you can find around Mount Bromo , interested to travel to Mt Bromo ? I recommend to use the Bromo tour package .
Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 11, 2013
The charm of the island of Gili Lombok, Indonesia
Lombok beach resort is breathtaking . Its location adjacent to the island that has become an icon of tourism in Indonesia . Lombok Island is not less beautiful in terms of scenery will be offered . Not just a place , but a visit to Lombok , you can explore dozens of existing dyke . What is a dyke ? And what island located in Lombok ?
Gili is a local designation , which means small island . There are various beauty draw on each dyke . Come visit and enjoy the charm bund in Lombok . Here are some dyke contained in Lombok .
Gili Trawangan , Gili Meno , Gili Air
To visit to Gili Trawangan , you can ride a boat from Senggigi beach with a long drive of about 30 minutes . Gili Trawangan is located on the West Lombok . The distance is approximately 40 km from the city of Mataram . The location adjacent to Gili Trawangan Gili Meno and Gili Air . The third is the most well known dyke in Lombok . Facilities for tourist activities are complete to support the comfort of the visitors .
Rooming houses easily found here ranging from low rates until the price is quite high . Bed and Breakfast hotels , bungalows , the resort is ready to accommodate you for the night on the island .
White sand blends with the blue water will spoil your eyes . You can sunbathe , walk on a stretch of white pair , or simply enjoy the scenery while the breeze caressed .
To enjoy the beautiful underwater scenery , you can bersnorkling or diving ( diving ) . No need to worry if you do not bring the equipment , because the available tools penyewaaan to perform underwater activities . Or for a more challenging , you can rent and try surfing in the sea .
Tired of playing on the beach and the sea , you can get around the island by renting a bike or touring ride Cidomo , the name for the wagon or carriage that is in Lombok . Atmosphere of the beach at night usually will be more crowded than the atmosphere during the day because a lot of activities undertaken tourists who performed at night .
Gili Nanggu
If you want to enjoy the quiet atmosphere , a visit to Gili Nanggu be the right thing . Activities in Gili Nanggu much quieter than Gili Trawangan , Gili Meno , and Gili Air is indeed a tourist center of Lombok .
The beauty of the beach in Gili Nanggu no less interesting , because Gili Nanggu has white sandy beaches and shallow waters of the Sea has Gili Nanggu is perfect for snorkeling , as there are a variety of reef fish and beautiful scenery .
The beauty of Gili Nanggu more complete because there are a lot of pine trees are planted on this island and make the atmosphere feel more lush . The island's natural keasriannya still awake . With a size that is not too extensive , the dyke is suitable for those who want to enjoy a more private atmosphere .
Gili Kedis
Also known by the name Romantic Island . This place became the target of the tourists to enjoy the view of sunset (sunset ) on the white sand . Kedis means sparrow or small bird . His name is very appropriate because among all the existing dyke , Gili Kedis is the most petite size . There are no people living on this island .
Gili Tangkong
The beauty of the sea , white sandy beaches , and diversity of marine life in Gili Tangkong has attracted tourists to visit the island size is 28 acres . Located in the district of Senggigi , West Lombok , tourists can explore the island .
Gili Sudak
Island with an area of 30 hectares, this is still a new area for the tourists . So , you might find it difficult to get a complete accommodation . There is no lodging and restaurants are still very few . However, many tourists who want to visit because the area is still beautiful .
For you lovers of the beach and sea , please explore the many fascinating dyke in Lombok . You will enjoy the beauty of unspoiled nature and a truly indulgent eye .
Raja Ampat - Hidden Paradise in Papua, Indonesia tourism
The natural beauty of Papua are still seldom touched , making this area is still beautiful and attractive tourist destination . Raja Ampat in Papua is well-known area that has attracted the sympathy of the whole world . The natural beauty , flora , fauna and the friendliness of its people are very charming and worth if the area is dubbed as the paradise of the world.
Legend Raja Ampat
Legend called Raja Ampat is coming from a woman who found seven eggs fruit . Whole eggs eventually hatch and 4 of them to be king . The name of Raja Ampat means four kings , symbolized by the 4 main islands . , Namely Misool Island , Salawati , Waigeo and Batanta .
Island in Raja Ampat
Actually there are many islands in the archipelago are included in the province of West Papua . There are 610 islands scattered , but only 35 islands are inhabited . Overall complementary island thus making Raja Ampat has recognized the beauty of the world . Beach with white sand , lush virgin forest , waves , ocean blue with diverse flora and fauna cluster of small islands like emerald green sprinkles .
Tourism in Raja Ampat
Various activities can be done by tourists visiting these islands . Which is a favorite activity to do in the sea is clean . You will regret it if you do not dive to see the flora and fauna under the sea , because of its underwater flora and fauna is the most complete in the whole world besides these waters also ranks as a top 10 best waters for diving or diving .
The waves are very challenging for the surfers , surfing in the sea Many travelers Raja Ampat archipelago . With the sea breeze blows and the warmth of the sun makes surfing be fun . Plus the beauty of the beautiful white sand , into a beautiful landscape for the surfers . Pulai Misool be a favorite place for surfers .
Favorite Island in Raja Ampat
Here are some favorite island that became the most visited place wisatatan .
Wayag menadi belle island for tourists . In this island there is a coral island covered with lush trees thereon so that when seen from the ship , the sea looks greenish . Makes clear sea water you can see the marine life directly .
Waiwo Island
Do not forget to visit the island Waiwo . Sense of cool and comfortable would you feel because the island is filled with lush trees beside the beautiful sea . A variety of marine activities you can do , such as swimming , diving or just snorkeling to see the beauty of marine life in the crystal clear water . Small fish with an assortment of adorable colors appear to be touched . You can touch the fish but to catch any regulations .
coral island
For those of you who like a challenge , try to climb the Coral Island . To climb , you 'll pass through steep , even slope of 90 degrees . It takes extra effort to reach its peak . But , guaranteed you will not regret if successfully reached the summit . From the peak height of Coral Island , you can see the whole green islands interspersed with blue water .
Gam Islands
Done with the beauty of the sea and the islands , you can enjoy the beauty of fauna typical of Papua , the birds of paradise . There are 4 types of birds of paradise that are here , the red bird of paradise , bird of large , small and bird of paradise split rattan . Do birds of paradise dancing can be enjoyed in the islands Gam . Has provided a place to see the dancing paradise . Dlaam wooden houses , visitors can see how the male birds of paradise feathers showing beautiful paradise in order to attract the attention of females . Things can only be seen at certain times , namely in the morning , 7:00 to 09:00 pm and 4:00 p.m. to 17:00 o'clock in the afternoon .
Arborek Island
Done adventurous and enjoy Raja Ampat , it's time to buy souvenirs at the village located on the island Arborek Arborek . Various souvenirs from pandanus leaves the forest has been created by the local community into kayafyof ( caps ) , camshaft ( bag ) is great , camshaft for mobile phones and other creations .
Raja Ampat have drawn the attention of the world as one of the tourist attractions that are worth visiting . Preserving the environment and the flora and fauna that exist there must be a concern that Raja Ampat still can be a haven for nature lovers .
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