Chủ Nhật, 6 tháng 12, 2015

Cultural Heritages of Indonesia at National Level 2015.

National Flag, Red White: a cultural heritage at national level.

So far,the total of cultural heritages across Indonesia  amounted to 66,532 objects and buildings. Out of the amount, only 1,003 cultural heritages were appointed at national level, provincial and regent/municipal level with condition parly unprotected.

In 2015, Indonesia has ranked 19 Cultural Heritages at national level.  The experts have also recommended to rank 61 cultural heritages at at national level, provincial and regent/municipal level. The objective of cranking of cultural heritages is needed to distribute the authorities and responsibilities of  different level of government regarding protection, development and benefits from cultural heritages.

The cultural heritages at national level including :

4 cultural heritage objects :
  • National Flag Red White;
  • Inscription Cilaruteun;
  • Inscription Kebon Kopi I (Tapak Gajah), Bogor, West Java;
  • Prasasti Tugu, Museum Nasional, Jakarta;
2 cultural heritage zone :
  • Sangiran zone, Sragen, Central Java;
  • Gedong Songo Temple Complex zone;, Semarang, Central Java;
    15 cultural heritage buildings :
    • Building A, National Museum, Jakarta;
    • Linggarjati Building, Kuningan, West Java;
    • Main building of train station, Tugu, Yogyakarta;
    • Pesanggerahan Menumbing, Muntok, Bangka Belitung;
    • Pesanggerahan Ngeksiganda, Yogyakarta;
    • High school building and Social Academy of Ibu Kartini (Van Daventer School), Semarang, Central Java;
    • Wisma Ranggam, Muntok, Bangka Belitung;
    • Gedung Merdeka, Bandung, West Java;
    • Detention House of Mr Muhammad Hatta, Banda Neira, Maluku;
    • Detention House dr Tjipto Mangoenkoesoemo, Banda Neira, Maluku;
    • Detention House of Mr Iwa Koesoemasoemantri, Banda Neira, Maluku;
    • Detention House Sutan Sjahrir, Banda Neira, Maluku;
    Source:  Kompas, November 28, 2015

      Thứ Bảy, 5 tháng 12, 2015

      Celebrate New Year 2017 in Gili Trawangan, West Nusa Tenggara

      If you have not decided where to spend your last days in 2015, Gili Trawangan is the best choice.
      Imagine, all you want to do at the thought of a holiday at the beach, it's all here. Swim in the crystal clear sea, eat delicious food in a romantic beach side restaurant, enjoy a cocktail by the pool, or dancing in the moonlight. It all can be found on the island of Gili Trawangan.
      Nusa Tenggara Lombok Gili
      Gili Trawangan is one of the most famous island of Lombok. A small island located in the Northwest of the island of Lombok is not only presents a beautiful view only. Beaches and landscapes will make you amazed. You can do a variety of activities that you enjoy doing during the day. In addition, you can also join the beach parties at night.
      Resort Gili Trawangan Island Lombok Indonesi
      Lombok Island is one of the small islands in eastern Indonesia. However Lombok itself is surrounded by many islands are smaller, which is called "Gili". One of Lombok Gili favorite spot is Gili Trawangan. In addition, Gili Meno and Gili Air is also worth a visit.
      gili island lombok
      After riding a speed boat for about 15 minutes from Malimbu, Lombok, you will be greeted by a beautiful island like this painting. Clear skies, crystal clear sea water, white sand, and the cool air and clean it makes your breath fresh and cool endured was so stunned.
      gili trawangan beach
      Trawangan is the largest of the three series of small islands located in the northwest of the island of Lombok. Gili Trawangan has the most diverse facilities for tourists compared with two other dyke, namely Gili Meno and Gili Air. With a length of 3 kilometers and a width of 2 kilometers, the island is too small to support a large scale agriculture, and too far away to be used as industrial or commercial areas.
      gili trawangan beach
      In addition to spectacular views, there is one thing that you can instantly feel so set foot in Trawangan: super clean air, because motor vehicles are prohibited from operating on the island is also in two other dyke. If you want to explore the island, you can rent a bicycle or cidomo, simple wagon horse-drawn funny. Cidomo gets its name from the word cika in Sasak language, which means traditional horse-drawn wagon, but the wheels car wheels
      cidomo gili trawangan
      Various restaurants and pubs, from the nuanced relaxed, romantic, and fun for partying, available here, Trawangan is famous for its beach party that lasted all night and held several times a week. Small size of the island makes the atmosphere more intimate, so that the tourists who are on vacation even feel close to each other. This is what makes a holiday in Trawangan feels very special.
      gili trawang beach
      It is not complete if no beach to dive into the sea. You definitely did not want to miss. For those of you who love to explore the beauty of the sea, this island is the perfect place to go scuba diving, snorkeling, kayaking, surfing, and even free diving (for those who have advanced scuba diving). 
      snorkeling gili trawangan
      Having tired of adventure at sea, you can sit back and relax to enjoy the scenery while staring at the dusk began to fall. Sunset in Gili Trawangan is unbeatable!
      Gili Sunset lombok

      Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 12, 2015

      Top Attractions in Jakarta, Indonesia, Things to do

      Indonesia is a country which made a reputation in tourism and easily it named mentioned in the
      global tourism sector. Very rich in heritage the country has many tourist attractions in its every island. The capital city of Indonesia is known as Jakarta located in one of its island. Jakarta Indonesia is the most popular city in Indonesia and you can find too many attractions in this burning hot city. The city has highly modernized culture, and also rich in five star hotels, famous restaurants, busiest shopping centers, bars, modern skyscrapers, and dancing clubs.
      Brilliant View of Jakarta City
      Tourists can reach Jakarta city by air and its own international airport is the main entrance of this paradise. Its bay contains on many small islands which cut you off from city’s life and give you some freshness and calm atmosphere, the cool breeze and sunny weather are the other attractions at the beaches of the group of the islands.
      When we study the Jakarta’s history, we see that the roots of the city are connected back to 14th century, when Jakarta was the main harbor port of the Java the Kingdom of Pajajaran, Java’s last Hindu Kingdom. A Muslim ruler named Fatahilklah conquered the city, as many of Asian countries and cities challenged and conquered by Muslims, and changed its name into Jayakarta or City of Victory in June 1527. Later in early 1600 the city was ruled by Dutch for 300 years. It remained their central Southeast Asian post in that era. After a freedom struggle on August 1945 the Indonesian claimed their independence.
      Skyscrapers of Indonesia
      Today Jakarta is the main gateway to Indonesia and welcomes millions of visitors annually who further travel to Bali, Lombok, or other popular historic site to spend vacations. There are numerous tourist attractions some of the top we will share with you. The list is below
      Immanuel Church
      Let’s start with a historic baroque style church built around seventeenth century known as Immanuel Church. The most popular attraction, the church is equipped with a 400 years old organ. The old paintings in the church also hold the attention of the visitors.
      The National Monument
      The National Monument (Monas or Monumen Nasional) is a 132 meter tall obelisk located in the center of Merdeka Square (the central park) also an icon of the city and a symbol of the struggle of Indonesia. Taking picture or selfie with Monas or as a background is the most popular hobby among visitors. People can find The National History Museum in the area around Monas, give much literature to learn the Indonesian history. Both museum and monument are open daily from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm throughout the week except for the last Monday of each month when the monument is closed. A tip for everyone “watching monument in the evening is stunning”.
      National museum Indonesia
      Gedung Kesensian Arts Theater Jakarta Indonesia
      Wandering in Old Town also known as Old Batavia and watching its old and not well preserved building feel that you are in old age but the Old Town has a very strong historical value. There are many museums around the Old Batavia. Jakarta has a rich history, so you will find many museums within the city. Each of them has different variety of artifacts. Must visit some of them to explore and learn some history of Indonesia. In these museums The History Museum, Puppet Museum, Fine Art and Ceramic Museum, Wayang Museum, Bank Mandiri Museum, and Maritime Museum are the most popular.
      Jakarta Beach
      The Indonesian beaches along-with Jakarta Bay offer some fun under sunny weather on golden sand. Swimming in crystal clear water of sea, ride on a horse, surf along the blowing oceanic waves, fly a kite in strong beach winds, scuba diving and snorkeling are the major tourist attractions on these beaches of Indonesia.
      A trip to National Park Jakarta and meet some of the rare wild animals such as bears, tigers, and rhinoceros. In the forests you will meet a beautiful ecosystem of unique species of animals, birds, and plants living there.
      Accommodation in Jakarta is no problem. The city is providing some world class accommodation for its visitors. There are five star resorts, hotels, quality restaurants, and lodges. Clubs and bars in Jakarta remain open till late in night. Hotels in Jakarta offer some unique and delicious dishes.
      Shopping in Jakarta is not easy. You have too many options there. The grand stores are full of variety that you want. For cheap shopping visit to Pasar Baru, a pedestrian friendly street, you will find many locals and family running their business. Shirts and dresses of old fashion, belts, jackets, and watches at very low prices are available there.  
      Taman Mini Indonesia
      It becomes a long list of things to do in Indonesia and its major attractions. Still the list is incomplete there is a lot more other interesting stuff to do in and around the city. A day for full fun is not enough. 

      Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 12, 2015

      Birding in Indonesia : Bali

      Indonesia Birding And Holiday Tours

      Apart from its nature beauty, Bali provides also perfects place for bird watching. Many tourists leave birding spots in Bali unattended, in fact, its biological value of avifauna here worth spending more days of your adventure in Indonesia. Here are birding spots and endemic birds in Bali as posted in :

       bird watching. Bali, Indonesia

      • Bali Barat National Park (West Bali): Green Junglefowl, Lineated Barbet, Dollarbird, Javan Kingfisher, Collared Kingfisher, Sacred Kingfisher, Chestnut-headed Bee-eater, Lesser Coucal, Red-breasted Parakeet, Grey-rumped Treeswift, Savanna Nightjar, Spotted Dove, Island Collared-Dove, Orange-breasted Green-Pigeon, Grey-cheeked Green-Pigeon, Green Imperial-Pigeon, Common Sandpiper, Beach Thick-knee, Brahminy Kite, Black-thighed Falconet, White-faced Heron, Pacific Reef-Egret, Striated Heron, Lesser Adjutant, Banded Pitta, Long-tailed Shrike, Racket-tailed Treepie, White-breasted Woodswallow, Javan Cuckooshrike, White-shouldered Triller, Black Drongo, Common Iora, Oriental Magpie-Robin, Black-winged Starling,Bali Myna, Sooty-headed Bulbul, Yellow-vented Bulbul, Lemon-bellied White-eye, Striated Grassbird, Australasian Lark, Blood-breasted Flowerpecker, Java Sparrow.
      • Bedugul Botanical Garden (Central Bali): Blue-eared Barbet,Rainbow Lorikeet, Yellow-throated Hanging-Parrot, Grey-cheeked Green-Pigeon, Black-backed Fruit-Dove, Black Eagle, Indonesian Honeyeater, Golden Whistler, Sunda Whistling-Thrush, Orange-headed Thrush,Mountain White-eye, Javan Grey-throated White-eye, Sunda Bush-Warbler, Russet Bush-Warbler, Sunda Warbler, Horsfield's Babbler, Chestnut-backed Scimitar-Babbler, Crescent-chested Babbler, Blood-breasted Flowerpecker, Javan Munia. 
      • Ubud (Central Bali) : Javan Kingfisher, Collared Kingfisher, Chestnut-headed Bee-eater, Asian Palm-Swift, Collared Scops-Owl, Spotted Dove, White-breasted Waterhen, Cattle Egret, Javan Pond-Heron, Long-tailed Shrike, Pied Bushchat, Striated Swallow, Yellow-vented Bulbul, Bar-winged Prinia, Pallas's Grasshopper-Warbler,Australasian Lark, Olive-backed Sunbird, Red Avadavat, Javan Munia, Scaly-breasted Munia. 
      • Benoa/Sanur Area (South Bali) : Small Blue Kingfisher, Sacred Kingfisher, Blue-tailed Bee-eater, Asian Palm-Swift, Slaty-breasted Rail, White-breasted Waterhen, Ruddy-breasted Crake, White-browed Crake, Whimbrel, Far Eastern Curlew, Common Redshank, Terek Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, Grey-tailed Tattler, Rufous-necked Stint, Pacific Golden-Plover, Malaysian Plover, Mongolian Plover, White-tailed Tropicbird, White-faced Heron, Little Egret, Cattle Egret, Javan Pond-Heron, Striated Heron, Lesser Frigatebird, Long-tailed Shrike, White-breasted Woodswallow, Oriental Magpie-Robin, Pied Bushchat, Barn Swallow,Pacific Swallow, Olive-backed Sunbird, Yellow Wagtail, Streaked Weaver. 

      Birding in Indonesia : East Nusa Tenggara

      Throught out East Nusa Tenggara, there are more than 70 types of endemic birds. Here is a list of endemic areas recorded by "Burung Indonesia", a NGO on bird conservation in Indonesia along with a list of birds from www.wingsbird :
      • Camplong : Marigold lorikeet, Timor Bus-chat (Decu Timor), Plain Gerygone (Remetuk Timor), Black-breasted Myzomela, Timor Leaf-Warbler (Cikrak Timor), Northern Fan-tail, Buff-banded Bushbird (Celucuk Timor), Streaked (Timor) Boobook;
      • Dataran Bena;
      • Bipolo: Yello-crested Cockatoo, Timor Blue-Flycatcher (Sikatan Bakung), Timor Stubtail (Buntut Tumpul Timor, Slaty-Cuckoo-Dove (Merpati Hitam Timot), Fawn-breasted Whistler (Kancilan Timor), Red-chested Flowerpecker (Cabai Lombok), Ashy-bellied White-eye;
      • Bu'at;
      • Gunung Mutis: Pink-headed Imperial Pigeon, Olive headed Lorikeet (Perkici Timor), Iris Lorikeet, Tricolored Parrotfinch, Pygmy Wren-Babbler, Red Jungglefowl, Oriental Pipit, Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike, Snowy-browed flycatcher, Pied Bushchat ;
      • Gunung Timau;
      • Kateri;
      • Oelnasi : Timor Black Pigeon, Bar-necked Cuckoo-Dove, Black-banded Flycatcher (Sikatan Timor), Timor Sparrow, Black-banded Fruit-dove, Timor Bushchat (Decu Timor) ;
      • Semau;
      • Teluk Kupang.
      Source: NTT Hidden Paradise : Kupang, Soe, Rote, Alor by Rita harahap

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