Chủ Nhật, 26 tháng 6, 2016

Visit Tourist Destinations in Banda Aceh : Putro Phang Park

Hasil gambar untuk putroe phang

Taman Putroe Phang
Putroe Phang Park, located in the sultan's palace complex in Banda Aceh. This park is made for the Empress Sultaan Iskandar Muda named Putroe Phang which means Princess of Pahang, which is derived from Pahang, Malaysia.

In the park there is a unique building, called Gunongan, made to resemble a hill - hill located in Pahang, Malaysia. The building was made at the request of the Empress himself, who always miss hometown, Pahang. That said, because too love the Emperor to his wife, the Sultan ordered the construction of the structure's history in the middle of the field Khayali (Castle Park) as a token of his love. 

Sultan interest to the Empress not only on beauty alone, an aura of intelligence Putroe Phang also admirable. In addition, Phang Putroe was appointed as government advisor with expertise in making laws about girls. Therefore, Sultan build Gunongan to treat miss princess. Until now, the structure's history can still be seen and visited.

Thứ Bảy, 25 tháng 6, 2016

Visit Trans Studio Bandung, West Java.

Bandung has become a major tourist destination for domestic tourists as well as foreign tourists because, in addition to its proximity to Jakarta, Bandung also has various types of tourist attractions that are very suitable for tourism activities of  all ages including families with small children.

The best tourist attractions for all ages is Trans Studio Bandung. Trans Studio Bandung is an indoor amusement park in Bandung, occupying  a plot of land with size of 4,2 hectares with an investment cost up to 2 trillion Rupiah. Trans Studio Bandung is composed of three large sections: a shopping mall called Trans Studio Mall (of usually referred as TSM), a recreation park called Trans Studio, and a luxury hotel called Trans Studio Hotel. The address of TSM is Jalan Gatot Subroto no. 289, Bandung.

Trans Studio Bandung, opened to the public in June 2011,has 20 kinds of games which are very fun and adrenaline. 20 rides game is divided into three areas with different themes, namely: Central Studio (with the atmosphere of broadway), The Lost City (Nature), and Magic Corner (a mystical atmosphere). 3 This area has rides of different and named according to the TV program is on Trans TV and Trans 7.
Central Studio is a broadway themed rooms and has rides as follows:

     Science Center (rides learn through play for children)
     World Children (vehicle colorful and magic)
     Yamaha Racing Coaster (roller coaster with a speed of 120 km / h)
     The Super Heroes 4D Rides (4D simulator movie theater with special effects)
     Giant Swing (pendulum circling at an altitude of 18 meters)
     Si Bolang The Rides (adventure exploring the archipelago)
     Broadcast Museum (you will be taught how to make a television show)
     Dunlop Trans Car Racing (race with a sophisticated security system)
     Trans City Theatre (theater theatrical fancy)
     Indosat Galaxy Vertigo (Ferris wheel that rotates 360 degrees)

The Lost City is the room with natural atmosphere and has rides as follows:

     Kong Climb (rock climbing as high as 15 meters to take a gem)
     Amphitheater (featuring a spectacular show)
     Browse (adventure in the jungles of Africa)
     Sky Pirates (thrill aboard the pirate)

Trans Studio Bandung admission ticket you purchase applies to play as much in the area of Trans Studio Bandung at a price:

     Monday - Friday: IDR 150,000
     Saturday - Sunday: IDR 250,000
     Holidays: IDR 250,000

If you do not want to queue, you can buy VIP Access for IDR 250,000 . With VIP Access, you'll have a door and a special line to enter the rides, so you do not run out of time for queuing, very useful on weekends and holidays are crowded.

Trans Studio Bandung is open every day at:

     Monday - Friday: 10:00 to 21:00
     Saturday - Sunday: 9:00 to 22:00
     Holidays: 9:00 to 22:00

When you come on a weekend or holiday, it is advised is to arrive early to avoid long queues so that you have plenty of time and be able to try all the rides there until satisfied.


Thứ Hai, 13 tháng 6, 2016

Up-Coming Events in Indonesia

  • Arts Festival of Bali : June - July 2016, Bali;
  • Sentani Lake Festival: June 23 - June 19 2016, Jayapura, Papua;
  • Keraton Festival: July - Agustus 2016, Ternate, North Maluku;
  • Morotai Festival: August 2016, Morotai, North Maluku;
  • Dieng Culture Festival: August 5 - August 7, 2016, Central Java;
  • Kelimutu Lake Festival: August 7 - August 15, 2016, East Nusa Tenggara;
  • Krakatau Festival: August 14 - August 28, 2016, Bandar Lampung, Lampung;
  • Festival Pesona Sangihe 2016 : 5-10 September 2016, Sangihe Islands, North Sulawesi;
  • Pesta Teluk Ambon 2016 : 6-10 September 2016, Ambon, Maluku;
  • Pasific Asia Travel Association (PATA) Travel Mart 2016, 7-9 September 2016, Tangerang Selatan, Banten;
  • Toba International Detour Samosir Lake Toba Ultra 2016: 17 September 2016, Toba Lake, North Sumatra;
  • Pekan Olahraga Nasional (PON) XIX 2016 : 17-29 september 2016, Bandung, West Java;
  • Pusaka Indonesia Fetival 2016: 18-24 September 2016, Malang, East Java;
  • Wonderful Sail 2 Indonesia 2016: 23-26 September 2016, Palu, Central Sulawesi;
  • Bali International Film Festival (BALINALE) 2016: 24-30 September 2016, Kuta, Bali; 
  • Toraja Ultra Scenic Run: 30 September - 2 October 2016, Rantenepo, Toraja, South Sulawesi;
  • Wonderful Sail 2 Indonesia 2016: Oktober 2016, Belitung, Penuba dan Benan in Natuna, Tannjung Pinang;
  • Wonderful Sail 2 Indonesia 2016 : 2-5 Oktober 2016, Kumai West Kalimantan;
  • TAFISA (The Association for International Sport for All Games) : 6-12 Oktober 2016, Taman Impian Jaya Ancol, Jakarta;
  • Maratua Jazz & Dive festival 2016 : 7-8 Oktober 2016, Berau, East Kalimantan;
  • Mesastila Peaks Challenge 2016 (MPC 2016);
  • Palelawan Expo : 9-12 Oktober 2016, Lapangan Kreatif Pangkalan, Kerinci;
  • Festival Layang-Layang International Pangandaran 2016: 10-15 Oktober 2016, Pangandaran Beach, West Java;
  • Pekan Kreatifitas Santri nasional 2016 : 18-22 Oktober 2016, Padanggalak Beach, Sanur Beach, Bali;
  • Sail Karimata 2016 : 20-30 Oktober 2016, Karimata Islands, Bintan and Batam;
  • Festival Layang-Layang International Bali: 23-25 Oktober 2016, Padanggalang Beach, Sanur, Bali;
  • Gotrasawala 2016 : 30 Oktober-1 November 2016, Cirebon, West Java;
  • Jogja International heritage Walk : 19-20 Novermber 2016, Prambanan Temple and Heritage Village, Imogiri, Yogyakarta.

Source: Expressair Magazine, Edisi 08.


Thứ Bảy, 11 tháng 6, 2016

Collective Memories Of Krakatau Eruption August 27, 1883: 26th Krakatau Festival 2016.

Anak Gunung Krakatau, or the son of Mount Krakatau, today.
 Modern history records the Krakatoa eruption in August 27 1883 as one of the most deadly volcanic eruptions in recent times. It took the life of more than 36,000 people. Many died as a result of thermal injury from the blasts and many more were victims of the tsunamis that followed the collapse of the volcano into the caldera below sea level.

After more than a century, people in the southern part of Sumatera island, now administratively known as Lampung province,  preserve collective memories of the catastrophic event through oral traditions as well literature works. In the policy context,  Krakatau Festival is intentionally held by the provincial government of Lampung to pass on the pooled information of the eruption and the aftermaths to younger generation in Indonesia in general, Lampung province in particular.

Krakatau Festival is an annual celebration held by the Provincial Government of Lampung to  promote the culture, traditions, as well as the potential of tourism in the province of Lampung. Krakatau Festival is held since 1991 with the aim to celebrate or commemorate the eruption event of Krakatoa in 1883 which was reportedly sounded to a radius of 4500 km and took about 36,000 casualties and eruptive cloud spread to the European continent. From the devastating events that then, the government of Lampung Province to commemorate the historic momentum by showcasing the culture, traditions, and the tourism potential of Lampung.

The 26th Krakatau Festival is held from 14 to 28 August 2016 the Government of Lampung Province  with a series of activities including: Lampung Food Festival, Festival Archipelago Adventurer V, Extreme Fishing, Festival Opening Ceremony Krakatau, Tour Krakatau, Lampung Culture and Tapis Carnaval VI. The Agenda of Krakatau Festival 2016 is as follows :

1. Lampung Food Festival.This event is a food exhibition event to be held in London on August 14, 2016 by the Provincial Government of Lampung;

2. Adventurers Festival Nusantara V. This event is an event organized by the Provincial Government of Lampung to collect the adventurous in the whole country as a platform to meet and exchange experiences and to follow the adventure together. This event will be held on 15-17 August 2016 at the Trump-Krakatau;

3. Extreme Fishing. Extreme Fishing is a new event in the Festival Krakatau in Lampung province held by the government to show what it feels the pull of the fish in Lampung waters. This event will be held on 18 to 19 August 2016 Aquatic Lampung;

4. Opening Ceremony Festival Krakatau. This event is the opening of the Krakatau Festival 26 by offering traditional dances Lampung, Lampung creation dance and others as well as the beating of gongs as a symbol of the opening of the Krakatau  Festival 26. This event will be held in Bandar lampung on August 26, 2016;

5. Krakatau Tour.This tour is one of the main series of events serving as Marine tourism and introduce natural and cultural beauty of the Lampung bay is an effort to attract both local and foreign tourists. This event will be starting at Kalianda and cruise to the Mount of Anak Krakatau on 27th August, 2016.

6. Lampung Culture & "Tapis" Carnival VIThis event is the culmination of Krakatau Festival is a carnival involving a variety of traditions and cultures Lampung. This event will be held in the city of Bandar Lampung on August 28, 2016. The Carnival will be a closing event of Krakatau Festival XXIV and claimed to provide entertainment full of culture and traditions of the community elements of Lampung Province.Because only at the carnival event the public can see the fashion creations of fantasy that puts the "Tapis" fabric as their inspiration. They will feature fantasy fashion creations of "Tapis"  loaded with cultural splendor of Lampung.

Source: Dinas Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif Provinsi lampung.

2016 Calender of Tourism Events in Lampung Province

Thứ Năm, 9 tháng 6, 2016

Experience and Enjoy Jungleland Adventure Theme Park In Sentul Nirwana,Bogor.

Jungleland Adventure Theme Park is an international outdoor theme park in Indonesia located at Nirwana Sentul, Bogor. Jungleland has an area of 35 hectares, and has a wide range of games of adventure that can be enjoyed by visitors of all ages. 

Have you ever heard of tourist attractions Jungleland in Bogor? Jungleland has a different concept with an outdoor theme park that already exist, one of which is designed in the cool mountain air and has a clean and fresh, and very easily accessible to visitors, from Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Bekasi or Jabotakek and outside the city.

Jungleland consists of five zones, namely Zone Downtown, Carnival, Explora, Tropicalia, Mysteria, with 41 rides, 20 attractions, parades, and Science Centre which is the largest in Indonesia. Each zone has its own uniqueness, Zona Downtown are equipped with a variety of cafe and resto which is famous for building with very unique and thematic designs. 

Zone Carnival is equipped with a variety of games and entertainment such as Home Jelangkung, adventure giant swing Lightning to 45 people who will swing up to 105 degrees, a giant platter disco that will sway with a slope of 45 degrees, or Hihiberan which will bring you to fly rotate 360 ​​degrees, seemed driving a fighter plane.  

Especially for children, Jungleland has prepared Tropicalia zone with the concept of tropical forests. In this zone, children can play as much with games adapted to children and families, such as the swing-swinging, dollhouse family Tropicalia which will be explained on vegetables and fruits, as well as other games.  

While at the Explora Zone, visitors can enjoy a variety of rides related to education, such as biology lab in which there are a wide variety of biological experiments, insectarium, and others where visitors can learn about various aspects of science while playing and having fun.

Jungleland also has amphitheater and fountain show presenting a spectacular show with a dazzling attractions of the laser beam and the background silhouette of the giant temple. 

Five rides in Jungleland is the first time present in Indonesia namely Discos, Hihiberan, Prehistoric Expedition, Octopus Dance, and speeding ride. Speeding ride is also a vehicle for the longest car race in Indonesia with a path length of 700 meters.

Access road into the theme park is easy. Visitors can take toll road Jagorawi and exit into Sentul City before reaching exit to Bogor through Bus Terminal Baranang Siang.

How much does it cost you to get into the Jungleland Adventure Theme Park? If you are locals of Indonesian, the you are charges as follows:

     Weekdays (Monday - Thursday) | Rp. 165 thousand / person
     Splashy Friday | Rp. 100 thousand / person (Friday Rookery not valid in High Season and red dates)
     Weekend (Saturday - Sunday) | Rp. 220 thousand / person
     Holiday Season | Rp. 250 thousand / person (July 2 to July 17 and December 17, 2016 - January 1, 2017)
     Free admission for visitors who Jungleland birthday by showing ID card / driving license etc.

But for foreigners, then the following prices apply:

     Weekdays (Monday - Friday) | Rp. 200 thousand / person
     Weekend (Saturday - Sunday) | Rp. 250 thousand / person
     Holiday Season | Rp. 300 thousand / person (July 2 to 17 and Dec. 17, 2016 - January 1, 2017)

Operational hours :

     Monday - Thursday opens at 10.00 s / d 17:00 pm; Friday at 10.00 s / d 18:00 pm
     Saturday - Sunday opens at 09.00 s / d 18:00 pm

Parking Ticket Prices

     Motorcycle the first hour Rp. 2000, Max 12 Hours Rp. 10,000; 

     Car  the first hour Rp. 3000, Max 12 Hours Rp. 20,000
     Bus Rp. 40,000 for one parking

For more information visit

Thứ Tư, 8 tháng 6, 2016

Visit Borobudur Temple in Magelang Regency, Central Java.

Borobudur temple is the largest temple in Indonesia. Borobudur has become a tourist attraction which attracts many tourists both local and foreign. Additionally, Borobudur has become a holy place for Buddhists in Indonesia and become an annual celebration of the most important centers of Buddhist namely Vesak.

Borobudur is one of the wonders of the world that should be preserved. Borobudur is currently designated as one of the UNESCO World Heritage.

Borobudur was built around 800 AD or 9th century. Borobudur was built by the followers of Mahayana Buddhism during the reign of the Sailendra dynasty. The temple was built in the heyday of the Sailendra dynasty. The founder of the Borobudur Temple, King Samaratungga derived from the dynasty or the Sailendra dynasty. Likelihood of this temple was built around 824 AD and was completed around the year 900 AD during the reign of Queen Pramudawardhani who is the daughter of Samaratungga. While the architects who contributed to build this temple according to stories passed down through generations named Gunadharma.

Borobudur temple is located in Magelang, Central Java, about 40 km from Yogyakarta. Borobudur has 10 levels consisting of six levels of a square, circular level 3 circular and a main stupa as a peak. At every level there are several stupas. Altogether there are 72 stupas in addition to the main stupa. In every stupa there are statues of Buddha. Ten levels of Buddhist philosophy which ten levels of Bodhisattva who must pass to reach the perfection of the Buddha in nirvana. This perfection is symbolized by the main stupa at the top level. Borobudur structure when viewed from above form a mandala structure depicting Buddhist cosmology and human thinking.

On the four sides of the temple there is a gate and stairs to the level above it like a pyramid. This illustrates the Buddhist philosophy that all life comes from rocks. Stone then into sand, then into plants, then become an insect, then into wild animals and pets, and finally became a man. This process is known as reincarnation. The last process is the soul and finally into nirvana. Every stage of enlightenment in this life process based on the Buddhist philosophy depicted in the reliefs and sculptures in the entire Borobudur.

Borobudur becomes a proof of the greatness and human intelligence ever made in Indonesia. Borobudur is currently a major tourist and culture in Indonesia besides Bali and Jakarta. After visiting Borobudur, you can also Punthuk Setumbu, in Dusun Kerahan, Karangrejo Village,which offers sunrise watching over Borobudur temple, as well as Mount Merapi Merbabu.

Thứ Ba, 7 tháng 6, 2016

Visit DIY Yogjakarta : Museum of the Yogyakarta Sultanate Palace (Keraton Yogyakarta).

Keraton Yogyakarta (Yogyakarta) or often referred to Ngayogyakarta Palace is located in the heart of the province of Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY), Indonesia. Because it is located in the center of Yogyakarta, which is taken as a straight line between Mount Merapi and the South Sea, the palace became the center of both.
Royal Musical Instrument, Gamelan.
Keraton or Kraton Jogja is the last of all the royal kingdom who had triumphed in the land of Java. When the Hindu-Buddhist kingdom ended then forwarded to the first Islamic kingdom in Demak, and other royal standing as the Islamic Mataram was founded by Sultan Agung and running and appears Kraton Yogyakarta or Yogyakarta Sultanate Palace which was founded by Sultan Hamengku Bowono I. Until now, the palace of Yogyakarta still preserving the culture was amazing.

During its development, the Keraton Jogja many had their ups and downs leadership schism. The most famous is Giyanti agreement in 1755, in which the kingdom was divided into 2 (two) the eastern region which is now a palace of Surakarta (solo - the next adventure) and the western region called the Sultan of Jogjakarta. However, the Keraton Jogja also keeps a history that can not be forgotten by the people of Indonesia, including in the struggle for Indonesian independence and maintain.
The Appearance of Abdi Dalem,or Inner Royal Servants.
In addition, the Keraton Jogja is very thick with cultural heritage of ethnic Javanese very amazing that still can be found around and within the palace itself. When adventurers to Sultan of Yogyakarta then, that's the simple description of the culture and beauty of the land of Java. Represented in almost all the interesting places and very intriguing. How not, in the palace is still a lot to save on a variety of arts, culture results, a variety of custom clothing and form a beautiful Javanese-style house. Does not stop there, in the palace of Yogyakarta also demonstrate how the Javaness flexibility in communicating and friendly with all the people who come there. Very exotic and interesting.
The Statue of A Javaness Women Painting Bateeq.
Adventurers are not required to wear a hat or sunglasses when entering into the palace, nothing just to honor the culture Javanese. Hours of visit to the palace for the day Sunday and other days in the limit of 07 hours am - 12 pm. Tips: Please to come to the palace of Yogyakarta around 9, because there is a typical Javanese dance performances as Serimpi nicely done and amazing.
The Photo of The Last King, Sultan Hamengkubuwono X.
In the palace also served in a variety of beautiful Javanese culture such as batik, which is Javanese cultural heritage that has been recognized internationally. Some paintings, kris, Javanese kings photos, genealogy king of Java, and the various results of Javanese culture. When entering the home of batik, there is forbidden to take pictures. Because all there is a characteristic motif Kraton Yogyakarta which is a symbol of Javanese palace may only be printed and used in the palace alone. Various castle motif is very interesting indeed, unique design and different from most of batik.
Museum of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX.

Visit Bukit Punthuk Setumbu, Magelang, Central Java, Watching Sunrise Over Borobudur Temple.

A Stunning Morning at Bukit Punthuk Stumpu as the Sun rises over Borobudur Temple.
Setumbu Punthuk hill is one of the best spot to watch the sunrise with the background of Mount Merapi Merbabu. From this place, tourists can also see the magnificent Borobudur temple trapped in the morning sea mist.

The exoticism views of the Stunning sun rise in the morning has always been a magnet for tourists. Therefore, no wonder if the tourist spots that presents a view of the sunrise is always crowded with tourists. For example: Mount Bromo in East Java, Mount Dieng Sikunir in Central Java, and Bukit Punthuk Setumbu in Magelang.

Of these three places, Bukit Punthuk Setumbu have a different view of the morning. Besides watching the sun slowly peeking from Mount Merapi or Merbabu, tourists can also witness the splendor of Borobudur from a height. Of course this is a distinct advantage. No wonder if eventually Punthuk Setumbu become a favorite location for foreign tourists to watch the sunrise and also a favorite spot for photographers.

Nature attraction of Sunrise at Bukit Punthuk Setumpu.

Punthuk Setumbu a high hill of approximately 400 meters above sea level, located in the constellation Menoreh Mountains. This place was once a farm population. But after a photographer took pictures of the stunning sunrise Borobudur from this place, the people were coming to visit this place to watch the sunrise.

The Beauty of morning mist surrounding Bukit Punthuk Setumbu.
Travelers who want to see the beauty of Borobudur at dawn are advised to arrive at this place before 05.00 am. From the parking lot at the foot of the hill, tourists had trekking about 15 minutes to reach the top route in the form of the macadam and soil. For those who are not strong trekking to the summit, not far from the parking lot there is a gazebo where tourists can watch Borobudur from afar .

For tourists and photographers wanting to capture the sunrise from Punthuk Setumbu, then the best time to come to this place is during the dry season around June to August. In these months the sun can be seen clearly without shrouded in clouds so they can get a wonderful moment. Besides the track towards the hill does not tarnish like during the rainy season. Whereas if you want to take pictures of Borobudur temple covered in mist, visitors can come anytime.

The hill of Punthuk Setumbu  is not far from Borobudur Temple, precisely in Dusun Kerahan, Karangrejo Village, Borobudur, Magelang. Yogyakarta is about 1 hour away by car. Travelers who want to enjoy the beauty of the sunrise from the hill are required to pay a levy amounting to Rp 15,000 / person.


Where to stay in Special Region (DI) of Yogyakarta : List of Hotels

The 101 Yogyakarta Tugu Hotel.

**** Hotel

Grand Quality Hotel Yogyakarta
Alamat di jalan Laksda. Adisucipto Nomor 48 Yogyakarta INDONESIA 55281
nomor telepon +62-274-485005, 487100  nomor faksmile: +62-274-489009, 486965 
Hotel Novotel Yogyakarta
Alamat di jalan Jend Sudirman Nomor 89 Yogyakarta INDONESIA 55223
nomor telepon +62-274-580930  nomor faksmile: +62-274-580931 
Hotel Sahid Raya Yogyakarta
Alamat di jalan Babarsari, Yogyakarta INDONESIA 55281
nomor telepon +62-274-488-888  nomor faksmile: +62-274-487-688 
Hotel Santika Premiere Jogja
Alamat di jalan Jendral Sudirman Nomor 19 Yogyakarta INDONESIA 55233
nomor telepon +62-274-563036, 562743  nomor faksmile: +62-274-563669 
Inna Garuda Hotel Yogyakarta
Alamat di jalan Malioboro Nomor 60 Yogyakarta INDONESIA 55213
nomor telepon +62-274-566353, 566322  nomor faksmile: +62-274-563074 
Jogjakarta Plaza Hotel Yogyakarta
Alamat di jalan Affandi - Gejayan, Complex Colombo, Jogjakarta INDONESIA 55281
nomor telepon +62-274-584222  nomor faksmile: +62-274-584200 
Saphir Yogyakarta Hotel
Alamat di jalan Laksda Adisucipto Nomor 38 INDONESIA 55001
nomor telepon +62-274-566222  nomor faksmile: +62-274-566220 
The Jayakarta Yogyakarta Hotel & Spa
Alamat di jalan Laksda Adisucipto Km. 08 Yogyakarta INDONESIA 55282
nomor telepon +62-274-488418  nomor faksmile: +62-274-485415  


The 101 Yogyakarta Tugu Hotel
Alamat: Jl. Margo Utomo No.103, Gowongan, Jetis, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
Abadi Hotel Jogja
Alamat di jalan Pasar Kembang Nomor 49 Yogyakarta INDONESIA 55271
nomor telepon +62-274-563435  nomor faksmile: +62-274-513114 
Cakra Kusuma Hotel
Alamat di jalan Kaliurang Km. 5,2 Nomor25 Yogyakarta INDONESIA
nomor telepon +62-274-588 066  nomor faksmile: +62-274-550 470 
Dusun Jogja Village Inn Yogyakarta
Alamat di jalan Menukan Nomor 5 Karangkajen Yogyakarta INDONESIA 55153
nomor telepon +62-274-373031, 384438  nomor faksmile: +62 274-382202 
Gowongan Inn
Jalan Gowongan Kidul nomor 50 Yogyakarta
nomor telepon +62-274-541999  nomor faksmile: +62-274-561460 
Hotel Brongto Yogyakarta
Alamat di jalan Suryodiningratan Nomor 26 Yogyakarta INDONESIA 55141
nomor telepon +62-274-382602  nomor faksmile: +62-274-387022 
Hotel Ibis Malioboro Yogyakarta
Alamat di jalan Malioboro Nomor 52-58 Yogyakarta INDONESIA 55001
nomor telepon +62-274-516974  nomor faksmile: +62-274-516977 

Hotel Mutiara Yogyakarta
Alamat di jalan Malioboro Nomor 18 Yogyakarta INDONESIA 55213
nomor telepon +62-274-563814  nomor faksmile: +62-274-561201 

PP Convention Hotel Demangan Yogyakarta
Alamat di jalan Demangan Baru Nomor 8 Yogyakarta INDONESIA 55281
nomor telepon +62-274-588380  nomor faksmile: +62 274-588908

Puri Artha Hotel Yogyakarta
Alamat di jalan Cendrawasih Nomor 36 INDONESIA 55281
nomor telepon +62-274-563288  nomor faksmile: +62-274-562765

Sejahtera Family Hotel & Apartment Yogyakarta
Alamat di jalan Pringgondani Nomor 22 Demangan Baru Yogyakarta INDONESIA 55281
nomor telepon +62-274-511355  nomor faksmile: +62-274-519338 


Duta Garden Hotel Yogyakarta
Timuran MG III/103, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Grage Hotel Yogyakarta
Alamat di jalan Sosrowijayan Nomor 242 Yogyakarta INDONESIA 55271
nomor telepon +62-274-560125  nomor faksmile: +62-274-584759 
Hotel Arjuna Plaza Yogyakarta
Alamat di jalan P. Mangkubumi Nomor 44 Yogyakarta INDONESIA 55232
nomor telepon +62-274-513063  nomor faksmile: +62-274-561862 
Hotel Matahari Yogyakarta
Alamat di jalan Parangtritis Nomor 123 Yogyakarta INDONESIA 55153
nomor telepon +62-274-372020  nomor faksmile: +62-274-372020 
Rumah Palagan Yogyakarta
Alamat di jalan Palagan Tentara Pelajar Km 7,8 Ngaglik Yogyakarta INDONESIA
Sriwedari Business & Resort Hotel Yogyakarta
Alamat di jalan Laksda Adisucipto Km. 6, Nomor 6 Yogyakarta INDONESIA 55281
nomor telepon +62-274-488288  nomor faksmile: +62-274-485656 

Tourist Destination in West Java : Garut Regency.

Guest House at Cipanas, Garut.

When driving from Bandung to Yogyakarta through southern route, you will drive through Garut regency. Garut regency is among favorite destinations in West Java Province covering an area of 3,074.07 km² (1,186.91 mi²). Geographically, it lies between 6°57′34″ – 7°44′57″ South latitude and 107°24′34″ – 108°7′34″ East longitude. The district shares borders with Sumedang regency in the north, Tasikmalaya regency in the east, the Indian Ocean in the south, and Cianjur and Bandung regency in the west.

Topographically, Garut  is surrounded by five mountains so that most of the Garut region is a mountainous area, except for the area around the beach located in southern Garut. With such a geographical surrounding, No wonder that Garut has many tourist destinations and much visited by visitors from areas in the vicinity including Pantai Santolo, Situ Bagendit, Pantai Rancabuaya,Curug Orog,Mount Papandayan, Pantai Cijeruk Indah, Hot sping water Cipanas, Pantai Karang Paranje, Pantai Pucak Guha, and Temple Cangkuang.

1. Pantai Santolo , or Santolo Beach,Located in the district of Cikelet, Santolo Beach is one of the most popular attraction in Garut. Santolo beach which is located 88 KM south of Garut city where tourism is a mainstay of Garut much frequented by residents of Bandung. The appeal and advantages of this beach is a wonderful panorama, the silence was offered, and travel support facilities are quite complete. 

2. Situ Bagendit
Situ Bagendit is a lake located in Banyuresmi. Bagendit is the most famous tourist lake in Garut because the quality of the environment is in good condition and cleanliness are maintained. Tourism activities that you can enjoy here are enjoying the beautiful scenery with the cool air, play boats and water bikes, riding Bagendit typical raft, fishing, playing in the garden and swimming in the pool. This tourist attraction in Garut is perfect for families who want to have a picnic by the lake. 

3. Pantai RancabuayaRancabuaya beach is one of themost famous tourism destination  in Garut. The hallmark of Rancabuaya beach is fairly large because the waves are directly adjacent to the Indian Ocean, and the coral reef that much and too big. Both of these cause some fish caught in between the rocks, is quite unique and interesting to look at. The uniqueness of the Rancabuaya beach is the existence of a waterfall directly overlooking the sea, similar to a beach in Pacitan.

 4.Curug Orok
Curug Orok is a tourist spot in Garut namely a waterfall. Cikandang located in the village, Curug Orok Waterfall is a tourist place in Garut most famous. The name of Curug Orok comes from a story in the Garut community who say that long ago there was a mother who put her child on the top of the waterfall. Curug Orok has a height of about 45 meters and visited by many tourists from the city of Garut, Bogor, Bandung and Jakarta. The admission price of Curug Orog is 10,000 rupiah per person. 

5. Mount PapandayaMount Papandayan is fairly well known to the residents of West Java, especially Bandung and Garut. Located in District Cisurupan, the volcano is only 70 KM from the city of Bandung Bandung so many people who go on a trip to the volcano. The main attraction is the crater of the volcano and hot springs are believed to cure various diseases. In addition, many nature lovers who come to climb the volcano to see the panoramic beauty of the sunrise from the mountain. If you want to climb the volcano, do not forget to bring a sweater because the air at the top of this mountain, including a cold.

 6. Pantai Indah CijerukBeautiful beach of Cijeruk is located in the village of Sagara including beautiful beaches and interesting place to visit. The advantages of Cijeruk Indah Beach is the beach is not crowded, clean, natural, and has a very clear water. On the way to the beach Cijeruk Indah, you'll be treated to beautiful scenery in the form of rubber plantations neat, complete with farm animals such as cattle grazing in the rubber plantation. 

7. Hot Spring Water CipanasHot Spring Water Cipanas is the name of the area in Garut is famous for its natural thermal baths. Hot Water Cipanas located about 6 KM from the city of Garut and 50 KM from the city of Bandung. In the course of achieving Hot Water Cipanas, you will pass through the mountains with the green rice fields and beautiful. Hot Water Cipanas visited by many tourists either staying or who just wants to rest for a while each day for Hot Water Cipanas contains various types of minerals that are beneficial to health, in addition to the facilities in this area is also very complete for tourist activities.

 8. Pantai Karang ParanjeParanje Karang Beach is a beach located in District Cibalong, Garut. Paranje Coral Coast has a unique form their cluster of coral along its shores. On the beach of approximately 9 hectares, you can enjoy a beautiful sunset view. Because untouched various types of development, Paranje Coral Beach has a low noise level, a broad view, there is no pollution, a beautiful environment, and the atmosphere of peace and quiet

.9. Pantai Puncak Guha Pantai Puncak Guha is located in South Garut, Puncak Guha Beach is a tourist spot in Garut free of traders disturbing scene. Puncak Guha coast offers beautiful panoramic coastal views from the cliff. Under the cliff that you can see hundreds of bats. If you want to visit the beach Puncak Guha, bring something to eat and drink enough since there is rarely a trader in Puncak Guha Beach.

 10. Temple CangkuangCangkuang Temple is located in District Leles is a tourist spot in Garut frequented by tourists from Garut, Jakarta, Bandung, Bogor, to Cirebon. Cangkuang Temple is a Hindu temple relics of the Kingdom of Sunda Galuh. To be able to reach the temple Cangkuang, you have to climb a raft to cross the lake at a cost of 2,000 rupees.

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