Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 11, 2016

Tourist Destinations in Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia.

Pantai Selong Blanak
Location: Mangkung Village, West Praya District, 55 miles from Mataram City. Description: very beautiful beaches and very alluring landscapes. 

Location: Beleke village, East Praya District, 51 miles east of Mataram City . Dsecription: Art village  of woven bamboo and manufacture of wooden sculptures. 

Loyok Katu Raja
Location: Loyok Katu village king, subdistrict, Sikur, 49 km from Mataram keterangan: pengarajin village of wicker woven bamboo that was done to the next. 

Tete Batu
Location: tete stone 52 km from the city of Mataram. Description: tete stone is a mountain with a very beautiful panorama at the foot of Mount Rinjani .terletak with the cool air with the breeze blowing in iringin melodious chirping of birds .In this mountain region are wild animals and living apes long black tail loud.

Otak Kokok
Location: Otak Kokok, 50 km from the city of Mataram.Description: waterfall that its water can cure all known diseases are very healthy water. 

 Location: 49 km from the village Suradadi dati 1. description: the village craftsmen woven from palm leaves that was done for generations.LEMORLocation: village swale, kec Pringgabaya, 67 km from mataram.keterangan: tourism forests where there are many different types of trees from animal spicies .The renag the water springsBuckets 

Timba Nuh
Location: kec, aik mel, 75 km from Mataram. Description: Forest teen tour, which at this place are the rest house which was built by the Dutch government koloneal in ancient times. 

Gili Lampu
Location: sembelie village, 80 km from mataram.keterangan: beach water is very clear great for swimming and surfing.

Labuhan Haji

Location: village cape teros excl. Selong, 76 km from the city mataram.keterangan: very quiet beach where the water is suitable for swimming and is a stop over for cross kepulau Sembawa .sekali in a year, the event was held the crowd to menyaambut Eid Eid.

Labuhan Lombok

Location: Lombok harbor village, kec.pringgabaya, 80 km from the city of Mataram.Description: Also known by the name of heaven and the harbor is very familiar with life in fishing communities Until this time made in place of the port heading to the island of Sumbawa (crossing).

Nenek / Loang Gali

Location: Lenek village, 54 km from mataram.keterangan: in this village there is a village of art trdisional pristine

Mada Prama

Location: subdistrict, Dompu, 254 km from Mataram.

Kalimantan  Beach
Location: hibiscus jero village, 87 km from Mataram. Description: white sandy beach with a beautiful view, once a year at a party held nyale smell very famous in Lombok.

Selaparang Tomb

Location: east LombokDescription: a place of his burial of kings and leaders of Islam in the kingdom Selaparang, Lombok east, east of the tomb there is a building that has four entrances .In this place there Selaparang royal heritage objects with various legends, such as the legend's daughter Anjani as peak mount rinjani 

Moyo Island
Location: Located in the north kab.sumbawa, 250 km from Mataram.Description: a small island located in the northern district, Sumbawa .merupakan safari park for hunting, with some kind of wild animal moyo .The island has white sand beaches with diverse marine parks, as well as coral reefs and ornamental fish that adorn the beautiful sea The. 

Pantai Lunyuk
Location: village Lunyuk 250 km from the city of Mataram.Description: The beach is an ideal place for swimming beach is inhabited by many turtle and a place to lay eggs.

Tirta Sari Kencana Beach

Location: Sumbawa, 154 km from MataramDescription: very nice beach to bathe and relax

Maluk Beach

Location: subdistrict, Jereweh, 275 km from MataramDescription: Very beautiful beaches and scenery its great for swimming and wind surfing.

Istana Tua (IN LOKA)

Location: kab.sumbawa large, 150 km from Mataram.Description: Large kab.sumbawa., 150 km from MataramDescription: Sultan Salahuddin relics of old buildings which houses a wheel or center run government.

Gua Liang Petang

Lokas: kab.sumbawa large, 174 km from Mataram.Description: a cave that is much visited as a place of recreation and there is also a stone that has a woman's breasts.

Pantai Hindo
Location: subdistrict, Dompu, 257 km from MataramDescription: The beach is ideal for swimming and surfing play angin.terdapat springs on the coast called HoDo water because it is located on the seafront.

Pantai Hu'u
Location:'u, 290 km from MataramDescription: is the name of a beachOn southern districts. Dompu which is an ideal place for surfing because of its huge waves and is the best place in NTB. white sandy beach sun is not too hot, it will be an impression for the visitors who come to the place terDescription: jungle tours are ideal for recreational bathing place .terdapat swimming pool water from springs, .12 miles from the town tk.ll Dompu.

Mount Tambora

Location: 275 km from Mataram.Description: mountain surrounded by a very dense forest with beautiful scenery and mountains, many were happy to climb by trecking / nature lovers and this area is also a hunting park animals such as deer, wild boar.

Pantai Lawata
Location: kec.rasane, 296 km from Mataram .keterangan: beach that was once used as a resting place of the king.

Pantai Kambing
Location: 302 miles from Mataram description: island that is used as a recreation area can be used as a canoe / boat from the port Milky within 20 minutes.


Location: 299 miles from mataram.keterangan kec.bima: Milky heritage palace that is now in use as a museum.Pesanggrahans DonggoLocation: subdistrict, Donggo, 294 km from mataram.keterangan: highland resort with beautiful panorama Donggo sewrta cool air.

Desa Maria

Location: excl. Wawo, 340 km from Mataram description: a traditional village with the original home mbojo tribe located in the highlands. 

Desa Wawo Ntumbu
Location: subdistrict, Wawo, 342 km from mataram.keterangan: a very famous village with head kicks, there is also a special place to see traditional houses mbojo tribe.

Sape Beach
Location: labuhan sape, 365 km from mataram.keterangan: top over to the island in the bay komodo.terletak sape.

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