Thứ Tư, 17 tháng 8, 2016

Visit Palembang, South Sumatera : State Museum of South Sumatera

State Museum of South Sumatera.
A particular destination in Palembang worth visiting as edutourism is Museum Negeri Sumatera Selatan or, State Museum of South Sumatera. Formerly known as DewaBala Putera Museum, it was built in 1978 and inaugurated on November 5, 1984. The museum is managed by the National Education Department of South Sumatra province. The museum address is at Jl. Sriwijaya I No. 288 Km. 5,5, Sukaramai, Palembang 30139

State Musem of South Sumatra Province was built with the traditional architecture of Palembang in an area of 23 565 square meters. In this museum, there are about 3,800 collections, consisting of many kinds of collections are classified into ten types, including geologika, Biologika, traditional stuffs of Palembang, offset animals from various areas in South Sumatra and some miniature houses from remote areas of South Sumatera. There is also a replica of the inscriptions of ancient statues ever found in Bukit Siguntang.

Traditional Ornament in the Main Lobby.
Interested in the history of South Sumatra, particularly Palembang? This museum is the right place as archaeological collection of the State Museum of South Sumatra Province  is classified into four  periods,pre-history, the era of Sriwijaya, Palembang Sultanate era, the period of the Dutch colonialism. 
The Period of Palembang Sultanate Era.

Various collections are exhibited in three main showroom. Before entering the three main showroom, visitors will see various collections of statues in the museum lobby. Replicas of the statue dates from the megaliths in South Sumatra.

A Statue of A Mother Holding A Child.

Megalith culture or large rock culture in South Sumatra is located in the plateau region of Pagaralam. Its position is in the series of the Bukit Barisan Mountains in the west side of South Sumatra. In this region, 22 settlements of megalith culture were found. Of the settlements objects of pre-history in the form of statues were found which later became the god Balaputera Museum collection. Various statues are currently the museum's collection include a statue of a mother holding a child megaliths, statues of people riding a buffalo, snake wound up human statues.
The Collection of Sriwijaya Era.

After passing through the lobby, visitors will enter showrooms museum. In this room visitors will get information about the beginning of the history of the kingdom of Sriwijaya in the archipelago. In this room also found a collection of relics from the pre-kingdom of Sriwijaya in the form of pottery, beads, and metal casting.
The Collection of Pre History.
In another section found replicas of inscriptions that describe the beginning of the establishment of the kingdom of Srivijaya. Inscriptions, among others, the inscription Kedukan Hill, Relaga Batu, Kota Kapur, Talang Tuo, New Boom, Kambang unglen I, Kambang unglen II, and inscriptions Siddhayatra. In addition to the inscriptions, in this room visitors will also find another collection of Sriwijaya Kingdom era of a statue of Buddha, Hindu statues, and Fragments.
Further inside, visitors will be taken to explore Palembang Sultanate era. Relics of this era looms in the form of songket. One songket fabric collection that became the pride of Balaputera Dewa Museum is songket with motive of Naga Besaung which has a length of 6 meters with a width of about 25 cm.  

Traditional Weaving Machine.

In addition, visitors will also find other collections in the form of various crafts carving Palembang. Various sculpture has been applied in rek bride, couches, chairs, until the frosting on the door of the house. 
Ulu House.

Collection of sculpture from Palembang Sultanate era that became the pride of Balaputera Dewa Museum is home limas and ulu house located in the backyard of the museum.  
Limas House.


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