Thứ Năm, 24 tháng 7, 2014

beauty Ujung Kulon, attractive tourism in Indonesia

Rhinos. The first word that often people call so hear the word Ujung Kulon. Ujung Kulon National Park is known as the one-horned rhino lives. However, behind it, there are a number of pearls of beauty that culminate in Ujung Kulon. 

Title was awarded to the National Park Ujung Kulon in 1992 as one of the world or the World Heritage heritage. Interestingly, this grace was given by the UN agency UNESCO. Not wrong, Ujung Kulon National Park is the natural beauty of Indonesia at the western end of Java Island.
Anyone can be adventurous in Ujung Kulon. This place serves everything from the wild to the sea bottom. Moreover, the beauty of Ujung Kulon more complete with the animals that live freely in the wild. Nothing is more exciting than the exploration of forest in Ujung Kulon National Park is.
All beauty seemed gathered in Ujung Kulon. Peucang Island, Cape Screen, Coral Copong, Cidaon, Cikuya, and other beautiful spots into a unitary form of unparalleled beauty. Immediately waved the white sand is so down to Peucang Island which is the best spot to simply contemplate or hunting camera shots.
Not only soothing white sand, the island also offers twilight Peucang best of Coral Copong. From here, you can see the visible rock solid in the middle of the ocean. Interestingly, the rock in the middle of the ocean there is a hole or perforated so that locals used to call it by name or Copong hollow reef.
Your adventure will be perfect because no stalls selling food, drinks and even to remove fatigue. For adventure here, you really need all the preparation that is carried supplies in the backpack itself. Here, you will feel how life without electricity, no cell phone signals. Here, you can be yourself in the vastness of the wilderness.
You can also enjoy how wildlife clustered together like a bull and peacock in Cidaon. Large trees, the sound of birds echoed as if you make a small group who are surviving in the wilderness. All the beauty is endless in Ujung Kulon, where rhino berhabitat and admiration that do not want to invite to go home.

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