Thứ Hai, 14 tháng 7, 2014

Jogging Track Ubud Bali

Jogging Track Ubud Bali - One of the unique spots in the area of Ubud, a small hill with a footpath made ​​permanent with cement approximately 1 meter wide so it could be used to run a morning / afternoon or naek bike. Tebiing sides of the road is steep with a view of rice fields, coconut trees and a row of hotel / villa. Suitable for fresh air ato take photo just because  many who make pre-wedding here.


Members of our journey today there are 4 people who happen to guys all * very * crisp. Three of them are on track and the rest of his accounting on the true path. Pact 7am departure but since one person turns a new dawn coming home abis pulled rickshaws, consequently wake up late and make a pact was delayed until 9:30 hadehh. Bad start.


To achieve this Jogging Tracks from Denpasar, the fastest path is through Kadewatan. Starting from the city ring road bypass aka Gatsu, then take the north at the intersection Gatsu-Supratman.

Since the contents of the stomach rumbling anything yet, we stopped by the breakfast at the stall Mr. Bondan. Its location just 50 meters from the intersection Gatsu earlier. Bole same name but is not Mr. Mariah who hosts culinary hooked on tv that says "Mak Nyus" it. Similar was ga hehe.

Warung Pak Sate Bondan

The menu satay and fish soup. Only 10rb cheap per serving plus a drink and a packet of Chitato (the last one is bought at the minimart, pak Bondan ga hooked Chitato) so 15rb already satisfied. Matter of taste for gw aja, ga too special, just a surprise here always line up especially early in the morning. Because murmer times yes hehe.

Jogging Track Ubud Bali You Must Know


Further journey, if your GPS abal2 ga, you will pass through the village Batubulan, and finally the outskirts Kadewatan Singapadu. Denpasar-Kadewatan approximately 30km so about 30-50 minutes away.

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