Thứ Hai, 4 tháng 4, 2016

The Charm of Teluk Kiluan, Lampung, Indonesia.

A New Destination of Kiluan Bay Package Tour, Pantai Gigi Hiu,,Tanggamus.
Geographically, the province of Lampung is surrounded by oceans. Adjacent to the south, Lampung is separated from Java by the Sunda Strait, while the area of ​​the east coast by the Java Sea and is situated adjacent to the west coast of the Ocean Indonesia.This geographical setting makes Lampung Province rich in beaches and small islands which have the potential as  maritime and beach tourism destinations including the Gulf Kiluan.
Pulau Kelapa in Kiluan Bay with a motor boat in the fore ground.

Teluk Kiluan Village, District Kelumbayan, Tanggamus, Lampung province is just beginning to be known as a tourist destination of nature adventurer by adventure enthusiasts both in Lampung, and Indonesia. The bay is situated at the end of  mountain range,the Bukit Barisan which stretches from the northernmost island of Sumatra in Aceh province down to the southernmost of Lampung province so that the topography is hilly and valley. Such a condition makes the Gulf Kiluan an interesting landscape to explore.
Newly Improved road into Kiluan Bay .

The main attraction in the Kiluan Bay is dolphins viewing tour.
You may have watched dolphins performing acrobatic maneuvers  at marine parks,  some can even be petted, greeted and fed by fans. Attending a dolphin viewing tour in Kiluan Bay is a great way to see the animals in their natural environment.

Dolphins in Kiluan Bay are outgoing,friendly and tend to be very social and approachable. The marine mammals  have been seen coming up to boats or swimming off the shoreline in an attempt to greet and meet people. Dolphins swim exuberantly to the left and right side of your boat, and sometimes Dolphins in a collection shot into the air out of the sea and dive back into the sea. All these attractions provide satisfaction to the lovers of the wild marine animals prompting many tourists to come to the Kiluan Bay.

There are at least two species of Dolphins  in Kiluan Bay. These are Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursipos truncatus) with  bigger body and shy. The second species is Spinner Dolphin (Stenella longirostris), which is smaller . According here says, the school of Diolphins in Kiluan Bay is the largest in Asia, even in the World.

You are not expected to reach the locations of dolphin attraction independently. The main options available are renting motor boats of local communities with the rental price of Rp 350,000.0 per boat for 3 passengers. The scheduled of departure time is  before 06.00 AM from the Bay Kiluan heading out to the Indian Ocean with a travel time of  half hours to the location of Dolphin viewing.
Lagoon Gayau.
After witnessing the marine mammals, you can visit Laguna Gayau. Laguna Gayau is  natural pool  located behind a hill of Kiluan Bay. To the most visitors, the main goal should be to visit the Gulf Kiluan , though Gayau Lagoon is not less interesting, even more challenging and exotic. A giant blue pool is formed by the natural contours of the rocks and water in the sea.
Accommodation available at the Kiluan bay.
Don't forget, Kiluan bay also has a beautiful underwater life.  The best snorkeling spots in this place is in one of the "front page" of a home stay across the coconut island, about 15 minutes from the Gulf Kiluan boating. The location of this snorkeling spot is just off the coast that is at Coconut Island, with a variety of fish species of interest and also blue starfishes.

Other interesting destinations in the Gulf Kiluan is coconut Island, or Pulau Kelapa. Coconut Island with area of ​​about 6 ha, is also known as the Kiluan island.  Take a walk around the island, you will see black hairy primates which sound in replication. These are gibbon (symphalangus sundactylus) and Hoop (Presbythis Melalops) as well as the slow loris (Nycticebus coucang). They are very often seen jumping from one tree to another. Birds sound almost every morning and afternoon, and are able to soothe the mind. Travelers also can watch green turtles (Chelonia mydas) and Hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricate), which at a certain fixed times pulled over to the beach.
Coconut Island in Kiluan Bay.
In the afternoon, you can watch the sunset on the Kiluan bay. Who would have thought Kiluan Bay has an extraordinary beauty. If you want to see how beautiful the bay Kiluan is, take a walk on the shore or sitting on the shore enjoying the breeze while watching the evening. Accompanied by the sound of water along Kiluan Gulf coast, you will never forget the thrill of magnificent sunset.

The last but not least on  the visit to the Kiluan bay is Pantai Gigi Hiu or Shark Teeth Coast. Pantai Gigi Hiu is considered a new destination in the Kiluan visit package to the Gulf. Accessing the beach takes about 1 hour on motorbikes as the road is still rocky. But after reaching the location of Coast Dental Sharks, fatigue during the trip paid off for the beauty of the vegetated rocks on the shore resembles  shark teeth..

To achieve Pantai Gigi Hiu, you can depart from the Gulf Kiluan. You can rent a bike from locals at the Kiluan bay to escort you to the Beach. Locals already know the existence of the destinations and ready to take you at any time want to get there.

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