Thứ Hai, 12 tháng 10, 2015

Indonesian Artists will present in The Ringling International Art Festival 2015, Sarasota, Florida, USA.

The Ringling International Art Festival (RIAF) 2015, Sarasota, Florida, USA taking place from 15 to 18 October will invite Indonesia Artist, Djaduk Ferianto and Orkes Remen. According to monthly calender of the Ringling, Djaduk with Orkes Remen will perform three days : 16 Oct at 5 pm,17 Oct at 2 pm, and 18 Oct at 5 pm.(
Gregory Djaduk Ferianto (born in Yogyakarta, July 19, 1964, age 51 years), better known by the name Djaduk Ferianto is an actor, director and musician Indonesian nationals. He was the youngest son of Bagong Kussudiardja, choreographer and senior painter Indonesia. 

In music, he concentrated more on extracting music tradition. Djaduk is a member of the music group Kua Etnika, music humor Sinten Remen, and Theatre Gandrik. In addition to music, he also directed several theater performances and working on music for soap operas illustration in television. 

Led by Djaduk Febrianto, Sinten Remen is often perceived as being “rowdy” and often noted as mad or crazy. They may be seen as old fashioned music but it is their way of preserving the traditional Indonesian culture while transforming it to “follow” the current modern life.(http ://www.ipam-indonesia .org/artis-sintenremen.php)

RIAF 2015 also invites other Indonesian Artist, Peni Candra Rini. The Ringling introduces Peni as "Beloved for her melodious voice and hailed for her mastery of traditional music and innovative creativity, vocalist and composer Peni Candra Rini is leading the next generation of Indonesian musical culture.  Strongly committed to preserving and sharing the musical heritage of her country, the artist uses only her voice and traditional instruments to infuse a crystalline purity of sound with a powerful imagery that evokes infinite manifestations of the mysterious."

Like Djaduk, Peni will also perform all days.  On 16 Oct, Peni will be on stage at 2 pm,17 Oct at 8 pm, and share the stage with Djaduk on 18 Oct at 5 pm.(

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